Why do some women like to watch men shave?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Beth mentioned it. My wife enjoys it when we shower and I do it. I have seen it in popular media (but always very subtly suggested). Why do some women like (love/lust) to watch a man shave? And what kind of attraction is it? Is it a cute "watching puppies wrestle" sort of thing or a "take me here on the bathroom counter" kind of kink? Just wondering, Jason

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2000



Um, you guys make really cute faces when you shave. Shaving cream is cute. Whiskers are cute. That little thing you do when you swish the razor in the sink full of water? Very sexy. The whole thing done in boxer shorts or (better) boxer briefs? Mmmmmmm.

But I don't believe in shaving in the shower; you must shave at the bathroom sink, with the door open. I'm sorry, it's just the way things are.

In fact, I really wouldn't mind living in a world where men spent all their time cooking, shaving, and giving me back rubs, but I suppose that would make me a terrible sexist, so I'll just deal with what I've got.

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2000

I think of Bama Dillard shaving with his hat on, in Some Came Running. Homoeroticism with Frank Sinatra?

I used to watch guys shaving in the latrine, when I was in the service, and it didn't seem all that cute, to me. Farting, coarse humor. Snapping towels at your balls, so you'd draw up.

When I don't have a beard, I shave once a week. I use a disposable safety razor, no shaving cream. Soap. Hot water, if I have it.

I don't think it's very sexy. I'm a bit long in the tooth. It's like cleaning your ears.

I think not shaving is sexy. George Clooney in The Perfect Storm.

I look more like Walter Matthau. Now that he is dead.

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000

I don't really find it all that sexy, but I love watching it - it's so weird to see somebody scraping hair off their faces.

And the faces Tristan pulls are hilarious - particularly when he shaves above his top lip and has to stretch the relevant skin by holding his nose up. It always has me in fits of laughter.

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000

I don't make a habit of watching Rich shave; it's our cockatiel who really gets a kick out of our grooming procedures. But one of the most alluring, riveting, melt-inducing gazes I ever received was from a guy shaving. He was in the lav in his dorm and we were having an affair--so there was the whole forbidden thing too, which was absolutely part of the attraction--and I was standing in the hallway watching him. He turned and met my eyes and he shaved looking at me, not in the mirror. By the gods, I was helpless to turn away, to leave as I knew I should. I can't say it was the shaving for sure rather than the surrounding context that rendered that one of the most compelling memories I have, but I can't separate the shaving from the context either, so who knows?

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000

I think the fascination comes from the fact that it's totally alien to us. Women (most women, anyways) don't have to do it. We do our legs, which is not a fun experience (I have yet to hear a woman tell me that she loves shaving her legs), so to watch a guy do something like that, and it's so casual... well, I guess it's a turn-on for some. Not me, though. It's interesting, but now monumental.

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000

Um, 'cause we're hoping he'll slash his throat open?

Sorry, I really don't wish that. Sean and I are being pissy with each other, and now I feel bad for even thinking that. At least a little bad. Well, not really too bad at all.

I'm with Jackie on this one. Guys just look goofy when they shave. I haven't ever been with a man that turned me on when he shaved.

Just about every man I've ever known though, has liked watching me put my makeup on. Go figure.

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000

I don't find it sexy, but it's interesting to watch. Plus, it feels very intimate without being embarassing.

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000

I like it because it's rare for many guys to openly be watching themselves in a mirror. So many (especially hetero --and actually i think this is mostly American) guys seem to fear paying attention to how they look, or more seriously, paying attention to their own bodies, or fear being seen doing it. I like the concentration, the lack of self-consciousness when they're NOT paying attention to me.

and the vulnerability, when they're shirtless and barefoot.


-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000

I've never really paid much attention to my boyfriend when he was shaving. Hmm... Now that I've read this forum, I might have to check it out.

I did think about one thing, though - sometimes he offers to shave my legs, but I never let him. But now that I think about it, if he can shave his whole face without a bloody mess, I guess I can trust him with my legs.

-- Anonymous, July 09, 2000

But the question in my mind (evidently, I have too much room in there) is- what happens when you're into guys who are barely old enough to shave?

Care to tell us, Beth?

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000

I can't really say why I enjoy it. Probably because there are very few things that my bf does to "primp". I do the whole washing face, moisturizer, etc.etc. while he simply showers, shaves and goes. He does spend time on his dreadlocks, which is also very fun, especially when it becomes a big production.

I think it's because he's spending time to make himself look better, and because I KNOW that as soon as he's done and rinsed the shaving cream from his face, I will get snuggles and kisses from a very smooth face. Which is a very nice after effect.

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000

Okay, I can see the appeal IF you like clean-shaven men and they use razors. I MUCH prefer bearded men. So watching my boyfriend use an electric razor, oh dear, no fun. I also get distressed when he gets his hair cut short. (No pun intended.) I wish he'd warn me when he's getting it cut. Also, he likes it when I don't shave either. Suits me fine. Every minute I spend shaving my underarms is a minute I can't spend reading or watching the clouds go by.

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2000

Shaving is a symbolic gesture whereby a man attests his masculinity. It's the whole beast in a cage ideal, like business men in suits - if you like that sort of thing I suppose.

-- Anonymous, February 26, 2001

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