holes in cabbage

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

holes in leaves,small green soft worms when it rains. what are they what kills them?

-- renee oneill (oneillsr@home.com), June 27, 2000


Sounds like cabbage loopers. BT kills chewing catepillers (brand name Dipel). It is organic and safe. Have to reapply after a rain. To prevent them cover young plants with a floating row cover. White butterflys are their parents.

-- Vaughn (vcdjm5@juno.com), June 27, 2000.

If you want an organic solution, mix together salt and flour in a shaker of some sort. Sprinkle it all over the cabbages. You will have to reapply it after rain but it does kill the cabbage loopers.

-- Colleen (pyramidgreatdanes@erols.com), June 28, 2000.

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