Calling all pathetic : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Fellow Doomers,I know that I know that I claimed to know what I knew, but Y2K is over, now.
I concede defeat to my mental superiors, the pollies.
I only ask that they would be more gracious to me than I ever was to them. I believe they are capable of this, as they are better people than I. They are more intelligent, for they correctly predicted the outcome of Y2K.
I only wish now I had enough decency to publicly apologize for misleading you all, my fellow doomers.
God bless, Ed
-- Ed Yourdon (, June 19, 2000
Hey Ed!
You don't have to apologize to no steeeenking mentally superior pollies! But you do have to apologize to me! You lied to me, Ed, and your gonna have to be punished!
So bring those lovely, fat, Y2K-misleeding ass-cheeks over here right now, and bow at my feet! I will punish you as you deserve to be punished, Eddie Boy! Perhaps, after this, you will think twice before misleeding your Master again, eh Ed?
Who's your Master, Eddie?! *whack!* Who's your Master?! *whack!* *whack!*
Dominant Regards,
Andy Boy
-- Andy Boy (, June 19, 2000.
-- (andyboy@is.fag), June 19, 2000.
From: Preparations, ` la Carte (pic), near Monterey, CaliforniaDelete. This is an impersonation.
-- Dancr (addy.available@my.webpage), June 19, 2000.
You're on the wrong board, you freaky New-Age doomer loon. Calling DELETE doesn't work here.Nut.
-- Mike Hunt (, June 19, 2000.
What Mike said..twice. Dancr, you know better than to bring your doom bimbo mantra to this board. Take your delete and shove it where the sun dont shine.
-- Ra (tion@l.1), June 19, 2000.
you rang? =oP
-- cin (cin@cin.cin), June 19, 2000.
Since we are uncensored I don't have to be politically correct. Andy Boy what makes you think people want to read about your prefrence?
-- @@ (@@@.@), June 19, 2000.
Funny. The illiterate imposter Andy Boy misspells in a very familiar fashion. Also, note the telltale mistaken use of "your", instead of "you're". Note the preoccupation with dominance and spanking. Who could it be? Oh, who could it be? LOL*wink*
Amused Regards,
Andy Boy
-- Andy Boy (, June 20, 2000.
So the truth finally comes out."andyboy" = netghost.
get a life, dude.
-- (get@life.willya?), June 20, 2000.
Fake andyboy=Mr. Polly! Real andyboy=??
-- (I, June 20, 2000.
Ed Yourdon=LL
1st Andy Boy=Mr. Polly
2nd Andy Boy="a"
-- (, June 20, 2000.
I told on you=Ladylogic
-- (eye told@2.hee), June 20, 2000.
From: Preparations, ` la Carte (pic), near Monterey, CaliforniaFrom the "about" page for this forum: For deleted threads/posts on both classic Timebomb2000 and TB2K Spinoff Uncensored forums, see ...
Also, impersonations clearly fall outside the range of "netiquette" which is requested on the page.
As to what forum administration does in the situation, that is, of course up to them. A delete still seems appropriate to me.
-- Dancr (addy.available@my.webpage), June 21, 2000.
"From the "about" page for this forum: For deleted threads/posts on both classic Timebomb2000 and TB2K Spinoff Uncensored forums, see ..."I can read, idiot. If you don't like what's being posted, then maybe you shouldn't read it. Leave the posts of others alone, nut.
"Also, impersonations clearly fall outside the range of "netiquette" which is requested on the page."
Yes. "Requested." Not "demanded." Do you need some help with that part?
"As to what forum administration does in the situation, that is, of course up to them."
That's right. So let them decide without whining for a deletion. Such censorious bullshit rarely happens here any more, now that your doom nitwit pals have shoved off for greener conspiracy theories.
"A delete still seems appropriate to me."
And I bet that two years worth of toilet paper seemed appropriate to you back in December, didn't it? Who gives a shit what you think is "appropriate?"
Take a hike, wackjob.
-- Mike Hunt (, June 21, 2000.
Mr. Yourdom,
It's good to see this half-hearted attempt at admitting the deceit you propagated upon these intelligence-challenged group, who believed your drivel.
Vindicated Regards,
Andy Ray
-- Andy Ray (, June 22, 2000.
It's good to see this half-hearted attempt at admitting the deceit you propagated upon these intelligence-challenged group, who believed your drivel.As opposed to the intelligence-challenged group who believe that this post is really from Ed Yourdon.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), June 22, 2000.
I am not responding to this thread. I would just like to point out the title.:^)
Oh well.
Not responding,
-- Z1X4Y7 (, June 22, 2000.
If I leave one statement in this physical lifetime, I gotta ask why are all those freaking water spills of contanimation still eek forth. I have been observant of the spills and complicatioms. What a lonely situation.
-- A Citizen (, June 22, 2000.
"Z"I found myself wondering: Why did I click on a topic that's called "Calling on all pathetic Jackasses."
Glutton for punishment? Ah well, I have nothing to say either...!
-- Not now, not like this (, June 23, 2000.
Mike Hunt = my cunt (during menstruation)
-- Roseanne Barr (fat@stink.hole), June 24, 2000.