Quotably Quoted #27

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

I must say thought that my political views and Y2K are SEPARATE. Indded I think our present government is a pernicious tyranny and needs to be completely dismantled. But, that does NOT **necessarily** mean that Y2K will do it. The EVIDENCE leads me to believe that it may be sufficient to do it. And I hope that it does.

If I could flip the ONLY switch that would make it happen, I would. Do I want to see people harmed? Absolutely not. Do I want to see the tyranny continue? Absolutely not. Do I think it is best that the tyranny continue so that people are not harmed? Absolutely NOT.

Thw WORST thing that could happen would be to allow the present government to continue. Did the Colonists refuse to fight against King George III because people would get harmed? Absolutely not. They KNEW that to end a tyrannical government people will get harmed and it was still the BEST thing to do.

Only morons would then accuse them of "wanting" to see people harmed.

Our present government is a bastardization of the Constitution. It is criminal in nature. It is a systematic violation of our God given rights. Just about any sacrifice is worth getting rid of it and moving BACK to a Constitutional republic with extremely limited Federal government powers. Even if it means the decimation of the population. If the population is 'content' to live under this tyranny, then they deserve to be wiped out as a result of Y2K. They do not deserve to call themselves 'Americans' because they have not the first clue what an 'American' is. The entire purpose of the Constitution was to SEVERLY limit the Federal government's authority in our lives. It was the WHOLE purpose of the Revolution. The Constitution was drawn up to specifically enumerate that which the Federal government could do and not do. it has WILDLY overstepped its bounds and usurped every manner of illicit authority. And now, the Federal Government insinuates itself into every facet of our lives. It is a tyranny.

If Y2K can do it, I would throw the switch in a New York second.

-- Paul Milne (fedinfo@halifax.com), August 01, 1999


In answer to $@(.S There you have it, Milne, a man with an agenda.

-- ($@(.S), August 01, 1999.

Here is the FIRST thing that I wrote...

"I must say thought that my political views and Y2K are SEPARATE. Indded I think our present government is a pernicious tyranny and needs to be completely dismantled. But, that does NOT **necessarily** mean that Y2K will do it. The EVIDENCE leads me to believe that it may be sufficient to do it."

Apparently reading comprehension is your short suit. Secifically, I stated that my thoughts about Y2K and my political thoughts are separate. This, you ignored completely. It is the way of all Pollyannas to ignore virtually everything. It is the hallmark of their thought processes.

Once again, for the ignorami. I think that the evidence is clear that Y2K will be severe enough to do great damage to the Federal Governemnt. It makes no difference if I like the present government or I do not like the present government.

The fact is that I think the present government is a total perversion. And, at the same time I believe that the consequences of Y2K may very well decapitate Washington DC. I think this is a very good thing.

Submoronic imbeciles like $@(.S think that because I would be happy to see the Federal Governemnt dismantled, I merely 'hope' that Y2K will have enough strength to do it. This is incorrect.

The evidence is plain. The consequences of Y2K will, independently of my desires, have the ability to dismantle The Federal government. And to this is I say, "Thank God."

-- Paul milne (fedinfo@halifax.com), August 02, 1999.

Doomer hero extraordinaire, Paul Milne...

Vindicated Regards,
Andy Ray

-- Andy Ray (andyman633@hotmail.com), June 15, 2000


Gotta admit it AR, you picked a winner this time. Milne, an A-hole of the first water. And you let the remark speak for itself. No gagging editorial comments by you. Congrats, keep it up.

-- (nemesis@awol.com), June 15, 2000.

"If I had my way, I would burn DC to the ground and salt the earth to a depth of three feet" - Paul "asshole" Milne

-- Maul Pilne (fedmisinfo@halifux.com), June 15, 2000.

-- (Yer Pal@in.truth), June 16, 2000.

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