miss this place

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hi guys and gals! ok, so Ed put that poor guy with the eight arms in a bubble(new site pic)and he has friends bringing up the rear..gessh! Now we need bodies in here. I played every gesture i had in hopes someone would hear me? Bummer. (boy I have some nasty ones..whoa, time to edit.) Hey I even miss my conversations with my buddy Botar...lol Well, just to let everyone know I'm hanging out here more often and looking forward to talking to the regs...cya! Da' Wash

-- Ken Gowash a.k.a. WASHNGO (gowashKF@worldspy.net), June 14, 2000


For chrissakes man....give us some notice...and then hang around long enough for someone to get in here!!!

Miss you too!

-- SFG (dianne63@hotmail.com), June 14, 2000.

No danged kidding! If only I'd have known... when will you be around again Wash? You could post a note here or e-mail us ya know!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), June 15, 2000.

Well obviously ya didn't locate me......Im usually on at some point in the night ya goof.

-- Shel (Shelbyx@email.msn.com), June 18, 2000.

DAMNIT MAN.... let some of us know what the hell is goin on... ! ! ! ! ! i am actually an av again instead of a mug... you have NO idea how FRUSTRATING bein a MUG can be.... miss ya... ! ! !

-- desdra (sparklz101@hotmail.com), July 04, 2000.

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