Quotably Quoted #20: before the GPS rollover

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

This will be a precursor to Y2K, no doubt. Any comments, insights. Plan to be home that weekend Howdy!

-- howdy (foo@foo.com), July 30, 1999


Here is a great site that has the equipment and information on possible failures during the GPS rollover and the

Y2K rollover Year 2000 / GPS Week Rollover Advisory

-- Brian (imager@home.com), July 30, 1999.

thanks for the great link. death to all trolls.

-- howdy (foo@foo.com), July 30, 1999.

Vindicated Regards,
Andy Ray

-- Andy Ray (andyman633@hotmail.com), June 07, 2000


Ya, know -- I do use a GPS with some frequency. And the fact that the GPS rollover went off with no problems definitely influenced by view of Y2K.

-- E.H. Porter (Just Wondering@About.it), June 07, 2000.

Besides, there really were some reported problems with Tokyo taxis.

-- Flint (flintc@mindspring.com), June 07, 2000.

And, closer to home, I reported that my brother, a private pilot, had his portable unit go out on him.


Actually, the unit either self corrected by the next few days, or after he uploaded new software, I forgot to ask which...

-- FactFinder (FactFinder@bzn.com), June 07, 2000.

This was my favorite of the genre. Who said comedy was dead...

"This is just too important to let one or two people shut me up. Here is my post my warning to all! Please take heed!

Shut down all appliances. Trip the breaker to your house. When the GPS system crashes at midnight power is going start fluctuating. Without proper synchronazation, there will be meltdowns and rolling brownouts/blackouts!

Batten down the hatches, the roughest ride in history begins at the stroke of twelve!

Tempest (in@tea.pot), August 21, 1999

-- Y2K Pro (Y2Kpro1@hotmail.com), June 07, 2000.


Knowing what I do now, that post is kinda funny.

One of my questions on EUY2K, was asking how the grid was synchronized. With the help of Rick and FactFinder (thanks again, FF), I found pages with graphs, and circles, and arrows, and...

It turns out that the grid is sync'ed more by "physics" than anything else. That, combined with what I found on GPS and power, is one of the reasons why I never was a 10.


-- Sysman (y2kboard@yahoo.com), June 07, 2000.

I was a "5." Nevertheless, I bought a shotgun, a S&W 9mm and a HiPoint 9mm carbine just in case it was an "8." I decided if it was a "10" there was not much I could do about it but kiss my ass goodbye. Thank God it has not even been a .5. So I feel like an idiot... that is better than shooting looters. Pollies, you were right! Doomers were wrong!

-- JoseMiami (caris@prodigy.net), June 08, 2000.

In Norway, trolls are a protected species.

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), June 08, 2000.


http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=001HTg"> ***Submit any GPS failures***

Car Navigation Maker Receives 2,000 Complaints for Glitch

2.33 p.m. ET (1833 GMT) August 23, 1999

By Yuri Kageyama

TOKYO  A top Tokyo manufacturer of car navigation devices has been flooded daily with thousands of complaints about its machines going haywire over a satellite glitch.

Pioneer Corp., the manufacturer of 80 percent of the problem machines in Japan, received more than 2,000 calls Sunday, the day the devices began to either not go on at all or to pick the wrong locations.

About 50,000 troubled systems made by Pioneer are still on the roads, Hideo Seki, a company spokesman, said today.

There were no reports of traffic accidents or other confusion on the roads because of the system breakdown.

Callers were directed to one of 330 nationwide Pioneer repair shops. One Tokyo repair shop was taking customers to a nearby coffee shop  where Pioneer picked up the tab.

"It is very, very busy," said Seki, adding that he expected it to get worse in the week ahead. "The battle begins today."

In Japan, 5 million drivers depend on such systems to find their way through a maze of chaotic, crowded roads. None of the problem systems were exported.

The problem results from a glitch in the Global Positioning System  a navigation system that uses a series of satellites to pinpoint exact locations on Earth.

Boats, cars and other vehicles use the GPS, and hand-held versions are also sold for hikers and others who need something more high-tech than a compass.

GPS receivers pinpoint locations by using satellite signals. To account for variations in the Earth's orbit and rotation, they need the exact time, which they determined by counting the weeks since Jan. 5, 1980.

But the systems built before 1997 were only designed to count to 1,024 weeks. That maximum was reached Saturday, so the time clocks on the locators were resetting to zero.

Starting at 9 a.m. Sunday, the glitch caused some receivers to work slowly, point to wrong locations or not switch on at all.

An article in today's Asahi newspaper warned that the car navigator problem was a precursor to what could happen next year, when a glitch is expected to cause old computer systems that can't understand the year 2000 to malfunction.

Pioneer made 270,000 of the 340,000 old-style navigation systems sold in Japan. Pioneer realized the problem in 1996 and began a campaign in 1998 to get the word out so that repairs could be made in advance. Those who brought in their systems ahead of time totaled 150,000.

On Sunday, 770 repairs were completed. But thousands more are expected.

-- (August@of.1999), June 08, 2000.

***Submit any GPS failures***


-- TB2000 (in@August.1999), June 08, 2000.

Guess what? people are already going to sleep and not paying ny attention to the fact that IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN!!!!

1,024 weeks after the last GPS rollover there will be another one, and another one and..well you get the picture. I just hope not too many manufacturers of the new GPS equipment we are starting to get for American vehecles have taken this into consideration. Or like the Japanese did, we will become so dependent on it that we will have forgotten how to read road maps. I understand that in japan they were so dependant on it that many streets no longer had street signs.

-- Cherri (sams@brigadoon.com), June 08, 2000.

I never was a '10' either, I was more like a '3'. The total doomers made me sick.

-- WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE IN Y2K!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Milne@is.right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), June 08, 2000.

Hey David, what no blinking red HTML? Whatever happened to - Jack Sprat?

-- Bingo1 (howe9@shentel.net), June 08, 2000.


Congratulations on a post with a minimum of condescending editorial comment. Much appreciated.

-- (nemesis@awol.com), June 08, 2000.

Jack Sprat was "fixed." S/he's now Jaqueline Sprat.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), June 08, 2000.

Incidentally, I have a lot these snippets from the past ready to post (217, to date). I was ready to stop at #5, but thought I'd post #6 for good measure. Someone impersonated me before I could post it, and a request to edit the email address was ignored. So I invested a couple of hours scouring my copy of the database for topics and quotes of interest.

In a way, I'm grateful for the one-sided enforcement of the "rules" and "favours." It serves to tie this forum to the Hysterium in practise.

And, since I'm a trifle bored today, I think I'll attempt to get to 300 before tea time.

Vindicated Regards,
Andy Ray

-- Andy Ray (andyman633@hotmail.com), June 08, 2000.

I retract my statement.

-- (nemesis@awol.com), June 08, 2000.

lol Nemesis. And Sysman, thanks for the comments, and I never thought you were a 10 doomer, those numbers were reserved for the elite insane and the opportunists anyway ;) I agree with you, Y2K Pro's post was hilarious.

Funny thing is, as a labeled "gov't shill" and "poly" at TB2000, I post a GPS warning from a vendor in the power industry, Bentley- Nevada, a day or so prior to the rollover, at EUY2K at at TB2000. Thought it would be of interest, and Rick Cowles forwarded it to his conctact list (did anyone in the power industry see it?). Hmmmmm...does that make me a doomer?? ;)


-- FactFinder (FactFinder@bzn.com), June 08, 2000.

Hey FF,

You heard it here first...

"THOSE SATELLITES" did survive the GPS rollover...

But, the current solar cycle, is gonna knock 'em down anyway...



-- Sysman (y2kboard@yahoo.com), June 08, 2000.

....uh, Pro? "tempest" was an undercover polly....testing the doomer reaction to "the sky is falling" posts....

-- The Artist Formerly Known As Tempest (in@tea.pot), June 09, 2000.


A quick look at the sig tags of many of AR's "quotably quoted" show that this is frequently the case. Never let it be said that AR was detered by facts, though. He has a lot in common with those he would excorciate...well, except that they are not here.

-- (I'm a@little.teapot), June 09, 2000.

So did they pass the test?

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), June 09, 2000.

yep, they reacted just as you would think. They basically accepted me, because I was a doomer. A few told me to calm down, but I wasn't deleted. That is, I wasn't deleted after I explained my extreme doom position. Once I explained I was on their "side" Then I was accepted.

Memes indeed.....

-- Tempest (in@tea.pot), June 09, 2000.

lol Tempest, or Artist formerly known as such, that was a funny post, even for a "polly troll." Classic lingo...you did fit in!

Solar flares...a potential threat, ok Sysman, I'll go with that...a *slight* threat at least...


-- FactFinder (FactFinder@bzn.com), June 09, 2000.

Regarding Andy Ray's quotable quotes...does anybody remember seeing "howdy (foo@foo.com)" either before or after that particular post? I'm developing a theory about what keeps Andy Ray tick tocking...besides his obviously neurotic obssession with "doomers". Maybe Andy Ray was 9 out of 10 trolls on TB2000. He had Warhol's 15 minutes of fame, and is trying to stretch it by cutting and pasting his anonymous posts again and again.

-- (I'm a@little.teapot), June 10, 2000.

I've seen two recent threads I think were started by 'pollys' posing as 'doomers.' Take a look here and here.

-- Long (time@forum.watcher), June 10, 2000.

A polly who sometimes posed as a doomer


Goodbye to this forumn

. . . .Many of you have served as excellent "probe material". Thank you. Also, my various handles have simply been "personas" designed by me for specific "probe effect". They worked quite nicely for their intended purpose; nothing more. To any of you who think you know the "real me", all I can say is:

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! (as Genius would put it). . . .

-- Genius (codeslinger@work.now), November 12, 1999.

-- (&@&.&), June 29, 2000.

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