Audio tracks on : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Yo!I've read somewhere that it's OK with the VCD standard to add audio tracks. Anyway, WinOnCD let me do that so I did it. WinOnCD let me also add CD-Text information, so I added that.
But the result involved a few complications. My DVD drive will let me play the disk in VCD mode but when I try and access the *.DAT in file mode it tells me it's corrupted. Hence I cannot play it with the Media Player or copy it. Also none of the programs that recognize CD-Text formated CDs will recognize the titles of the audio tracks.
So is WinOnCD wrong in making a VCD-Text? Or is my DVD drive wrong in not recognizing it and refusing to cooperate, what do you think?
-- Ulrich Schreglmann (, June 06, 2000