Resource to pump-up one's BS Detector, and call for : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
RELIGIOUS RIGHT GROUPS, LEADERS, NEWSFeel free to jump-in and provide the Lefties list somebody. If you believe in the BS Detector premise, then lets provide people with more than a mouse and an AOL CD. We need links, sources!!!!
-- Doc Paulie (, June 05, 2000
This is stoopid. Looks like a list of whoever you've got a beef with. Alcoholics Anonymous? Cato Instition?(Libertarian, not religious right--do you even know the difference?). I stopped reading at this point; obviously you've got an agenda.
-- Lars (, June 05, 2000.
All in one place: both sides of some very hot issues. LINK
-- Anon (anon@anon.anon), June 05, 2000.
THE MOTHER SHIP: CSICOP a volunteer organization of Scientists, Citizens and other humans interested in the *truth*.LINK
-- Anon (anon@anon.anon), June 05, 2000.
The JUNK SCIENCE web site (with Forum): LINK
-- Anon (anon@anon.anon), June 05, 2000.
BORDERLANDS.A site whose cash offer re: embedded systems was never taken. LINK
-- Anon (anon@anon.anon), June 05, 2000.
This is stoopid. Looks like a list of whoever you've got a beef with. Alcoholics Anonymous? Cato Instition?(Libertarian, not religious right--do you even know the difference?). I stopped reading at this point; obviously you've got an agenda. -- Lars (, June 05, 2000So, you "stopped reading", eh?
That nicely explains why you are a Zombie. Have a nice life with your closed mind.
-- Mystery Guest (, June 05, 2000.
Lars,Understand the feeling but I think this holds value. Agenda? nothing beyond my usual search for the truth.
Here is one of interest on the second page:;;"In early October (1997) the conservative organization(Rutherford Institute) agreed to raise funds to cover the costs of attorney's fees for Paula Jones' sexual harassment lawsuit against President Clinton." The Rutherford Institute and it's founder, John Whitehead, have ties to the Christian Reconstructionist movement. Now knowing this, is one in a better position to place the Paula Jones deal in a better perspective? I think by miles.
-- Doc Paulie (, June 05, 2000.
Actually, Doc P's site is SINFUL and wicked but rather harmless. If nothing else it links to a lot of statements of religious Right leaders and in fact, many people might find themselves agreeing with the statements that the web site owner is trying to "expose".It is merely the web site of a member of some Wisconsin Democratic Party who seems to support Public Schools and is anti Rightist. He seems to have forgotten that many Conservatives also support Public Schools.....but of course, we would prefer that they be used to EDUCATE rather than perform their current baby sitting functions that the LIBERAL LEFT and the Teachers' Unions have forced into place. is pretty well known that I believe the highest and best use for LIBERALS of any flavor is as a "NEW MENU ITEM IN THE LION'S Cage at the nearest Zoo"...... but one thing Conservatives must remember is that the force of our overwhelmingly LOGICAL POSITIONS can always overcome the obviously irrational positions of such inferior mentalities of the Liberal Left.
It is also far better to know and understand the positions of such Twits rather so that they can readily be neutralized should you run into one. (There is a rumor there are one or 2 liberals in the DFW Metroplex of some 5.3 million Outstanding People but that has never been substantiated. It is pretty well known that we converted most of them and got rid of the leftover Leftists 20 years ago. There are some in Austin.... so businesses seeking to move to Texas should remember that.) In fact, as the Sainted Barry of Arizona(R-Senate Officio Still) would say, its much better to have them all right in front of you where you can pick them off one at a time.
So, Doc P's link has the curious effect of exposing people to the statements of fellow Conservatives to those who haven't seen them. Most people can cut through the propaganda twists of the LIBERAL LEFT and decide for themselves what has merit.
-- cpr (, June 05, 2000.
Mystery guest,Actually I did read beyond the Cato Institute but I stopped when I got to the fine print stuff. One has to prioritize. My initial response to the post was to be mildly offended that the Libertarian Cato Institute was categorized as right-wing religious. That is why I posted as I did. And the AA? Are we now seeing religious bogeymen in people who invoke "Higher Powers"?
BTW, my email is real. Why isn't yours?
-- Lars (, June 05, 2000.
Lars, the problem with AA is that it is often court-assigned, making attendance mandatory. When one doesn't believe in a "supreme being", being forced to acknowledge one is offensive. The nearest analogy I can think of would be if you were compelled to attend American Atheist meetings and were forced to acknowledge the happiness and freedom you discovered in the abscene of religion.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, June 05, 2000.
"Junk science"? Oh, yeah, like "Memetics"! Right....
-- WD-40 (wd40@squeak.not), June 05, 2000.
Tarzan:I think you are a tad bit confused re: AA... You are not FORCED to believe in anything.
Furthermore, AA is a fellowship, the only desire is to stop drinking.
If one is court ordered, THEY have a problem, period.
If you have a better suggestion, say so. Facts are facts, you dont know what you are talking about.
-- former aa (former@aa.annon), June 05, 2000.
Hmmm...... we have anon, mystery ass, and creeper all on one thread.Anyone that has read Chucks rantings for the past few years would spot it immediately. It's a tag team... creeper and all of his names and games, and his side kick, butt bubbler.
-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), June 05, 2000.
BTW.... Chris knows this and is letting it stand as cpr isn't smart enough to log off between posts and change his IP#... think she will out him as an Imposter troll?... LOL.... RIGHT !!!!!!! :-)There are many forms of censorship, just as there are many forms of racisium (sp:-) some are reversed.
-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), June 05, 2000.
The use of the word "zombie" is a tipoff that the poster might be CPR.CPR, do you realize how racist and offensive this usage is to black Hatians? Are you sure you want to provoke a voodoo curse?
-- (, June 06, 2000.
Former AA-"I think you are a tad bit confused re: AA... You are not FORCED to believe in anything."
You must acknowledge a "higher power" in AA. If you do not believe in a "higher power", you are given the choice of acknowledging one, i.e., becoming a hypocrite, or leaving AA. This would not be a problem, except in cases where the court orders atheists to attend AA.
"If one is court ordered, THEY have a problem, period."
Just because one has a problem, one does not surrender ones first amendment rights. I can only imagine the howls of protest that would surface if, say, unwed teenage mothers who happened to be Catholic were compelled to attend sex education courses focusing on birth control. Maybe YOU found AA helpful, but imagine how helpful it would have been if you were forced to be a hypocrite as part of the program.
"If you have a better suggestion, say so."
Actually, there are now similar programs which do not push a theistic philosophy. Also, private counseling and certain detox centers which do not force theistic philosophies on anyone could also be very helpful without violating anyone's first amendment rights.
Facts are facts, you dont know what you are talking about.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, June 06, 2000.