socrates year... : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

where ever did socrates year ever go to?

-- my full what? (, May 28, 2000


Ditto and add to that the following list of other lost folks - editor47, Madeye, Strawberry, Polycarp, the real Lotech, coffeebug, nanet north, mille, Y, fatuous and many more...Car 54 Where Are you?

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 29, 2000.

hummm, maybe this place still exists? love, mille

-- sharon waters (, January 20, 2005.

Hey Millie! We have a new board set up that has lots of bells & whistles (and even chat rooms):

go to:

-- editrix (, January 20, 2005.

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