Why do so many people say "Oh my God" at the height of sexual pleasure or point of orgasm?

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Nope. Haven't lost my mind. This is a serious question I have always wondered about. Are there any atheists here who have uttered this phrase during sex? This may be a strange question, but I think you'all know what I am talking about.

-- FutureShock (gray@mater.think), May 26, 2000



-- KoFE (your@town.USA), May 26, 2000.

The phrase is coded into our DNA.

Sorry, wrong thread.

-- Bingo1 (howe9@shentel.net), May 26, 2000.

My guess is FS got lucky last night.

Tricked some nubile young thing into contributing to research for the forum. Good work, FS.

-- Bingo1 (howe9@shentel.net), May 26, 2000.

I've never made it past the OH..... part, myself.

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), May 26, 2000.

Interesting that people also say it when they see a horrible crash.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), May 26, 2000.

Myself, I scream "Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!"

Never had sex with a god, if I did, I might say "oh my God".

-- Xena (y@x.x), May 26, 2000.


If I got lucky with some nubile young thing last night, my wife might have something to say about that!


David Cronenburg in his movie "Crash" examined the realtionship between sex and car crashes. Did you know that? If not, and you were joking, take a look at the movie.

My feeling is that since sex always has the potential to produce new life, it evokes the emotions one could associate with God.

Hardwired? Maybe. Could be. Hmm.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), May 26, 2000.


Rosanna Arquette if I'm not mistaken, but no, I haven't seen it. The subject matter struck me as just a bit too weird to devote two hours of my life exploring. The few times that I have seen dead bodies with yellow plastic sheets on them flushing my pipes was not the thing that came to mind.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), May 26, 2000.

FS, who's to say I wasn't refering to your wife? ;^)

-- Bingo1 (howe9@shentel.net), May 26, 2000.

It's safer than yelling "Uncle D!" when you're not married to him. ;)

-- helen (out@the.woodpile), May 26, 2000.

I'm an atheist who occasionally uses this phrase at opportune moments. Just this morning, I dropped hot coffee on my pants and said, "Jesus Christ!" Two days ago, my girlfriend surprised me while I was doing the dishes and I said, "Holy shit!"

Now, as an atheist, I don't believe in god, Jesus Christ, or holy shit. These are exclamation phrases that many folks have used all their lives and say automatically at moments when they're experiencing something to exclaim over, much the same way as people automatically say "Ooops!" when they drop something, or "shit" when they stub their toe.

If these phrases are troubling or offensive, you can train yourself away from using them. For instance, I had a friend in college who trained herself to swear in Yiddish. I have another friend who's an atheist who trained himself to just grunt at such moments. Both of these people are considerably more uptight than I am.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingingthroughthejunglewithouta.net), May 26, 2000.

Food for thought.


When you come, where do you go? It is now scientifically established that orgasm is an altered state of consciousness. In other words, orgasm really is a natural high. Some people have reported that at the Peak Of the Peak of an orgasm (POP) that their thoughts stopped completely or that their ego sense of self disappeared.

When you are having an orgasm, especially such an intense orgasm, who are you? What are you? Where are you?

During a moment of no thought, what sex are you? Do you exist?

The moment is, of course, very brief.

But being brief makes it no less real.

We could say that anybody who is having such an intense orgasm, so intense that they really lose themselves in the experience and reach POP, is a momentary mystic.

Naturally, most people cover it over as quickly as possible. A moment of no mind can be quite unnerving, especially when you werent looking for it and havent been preparing for it.

On the other hand, some people, people who seek this mystical freedom beyond the mind, do cultivate this potential of sexual intercourse in general and of sexual orgasm in particular. Of course, just because people have sex doesnt make them mystics.

Sex is one of the few activities in life which more or less automatically draws us into uninhibited yet fully focused participation. So, the next time you orgasm, ask yourself where you went.

(And Who you spoke to?)

-- Debra (...@....), May 26, 2000.

Well, I probably have...but now that you've specifically indicated a possible theological issue, you've got me worried. I mean next time, during lovemaking, I don't want to be thinking, "Ok, I'm getting closer...now, I'm just a Deist, which means a belief in God through reason and nature alone...but no revelation or interference...so ...(puff, puff)...what do I say?......(puff, pant)......It seems, therefore,....(pant)....that God wouldn't hear my call or do anything about it,....(sputter)....or has even done anything to directly cause my situation...(pant, pant)... but on the other hand, He's the beginning of creation, so maybe I should at least take this opportunity to recognize Him because of His achievement......(pant, pant, wheeze) ....In a way He could see it as thanking Him for allowing me to experience this.....On the other hand, maybe He even gets offended when He's called in this context.....Oh, how should I put this??...(wheeze, snort, wheeze)...I don't know what to do...What do I say???.....Oh, here it comes... (finally, out loud at about four decibels): "oh, oh, oh.........GOLLY!!!!!"

-- eve (eve_rebekah@yahoo.com), May 26, 2000.

LOL eve! Would an inhalor help?

-- Debra (??@??.com), May 26, 2000.

inhaler, sorry. :o(

-- Debra (...@....), May 26, 2000.


I think we just had cyber, was it good for you too? You give good modem. Thanks.

-- Whose Your Daddy (deist or dentist@ohmygod.com), May 26, 2000.

Mornin' Debra...

An inhaler? For what? Oh, you mean for what was posted above? I wouldn't know, but let me go ask Lilith, and either she or I will get back to ya. But just know, Debra, that we both appreciate the recommendation...:)

-- eve (eve_rebekah@yahoo.com), May 26, 2000.

What???? Do you mean that not everyone has these experiences? You don't feel like you have left your body?

-- (Sheeple@Greener.Pastures), May 26, 2000.

First post of the day, so be gentle.


No, no...it was the other Arquette - the one married to the guy who's really a Coppola, Nicholas Cage. At least they were married, for a long while, by Hollyweird standards. Patricia? {More coffee, please.}

FS re: your 2nd post,

It's interesting that in France, they orgasm a 'little death'.

-- flora (***@__._), May 26, 2000.


I suspect you already know that several of the females on this forum could go into great detail about why they don't say anything recognizable enough to be considered "language." I don't think you wanted to "go there." I'm going to simply answer the question and say that I've never said this, don't know anyone who has [even those living next-door in the thin-walled apartment complexes.]

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), May 26, 2000.


I'm praying for you...

-- flora (***@__._), May 26, 2000.

Thanks, Flora. I'm doing my best to keep Lilith contained.

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), May 26, 2000.

Gee, it's been so long. At this point in time I would probably holler, "You're kidding!"

Any more I couldn't tell the difference between a sneeze and an orgasm.

-- Richard (Astral-Acres@webtv.net), May 26, 2000.

Hmmm. I must say, that after reading this thread, I'm a little disappointed. 'Till now I always thought it was the lady simply shouting out her opinion of *ME*.

It would be interesting to know if this same thing holds true for those who speak different languages than us. (Maybe Pieter can answer that ;)

-- CD (costavike@hotmail.com), May 26, 2000.

not trying to sound religious,but where,d that saying''no atheist,s in a foxhole '' come from??i,ve heard it said,that GOD created a void in us,that only he can fill.i know myself,i tried to fill the void'with stuff'for years,stuff get,s old,we alway,s need more. GOD created us for fellowship'with him,ADAM blew it for us. but GOD solved the problem .himself,=restoration thru jesus. restored-redeemed=forgiven.that,s a real thrill.

-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), May 26, 2000.

Perhaps people say "Oh my God" because it's safe and consistent. After all, getting into the habit of saying "Oh Janet" is great . . . as long as you stay with Janet. But what happens when you get into the "Oh Janet" habit, and start a relationship with, say, Barbara . . .?

-- E.H. Porter (Just Wondering@About.it), May 26, 2000.

I always say "Oh, my higher power!"

-- (nemesis@awol.com), May 26, 2000.

Careful, 'cause many times the louder the woman gets the more she is faking it.

-- Buddy (buddydc@go.com), May 26, 2000.

"not trying to sound religious,but where,d that saying''no atheist,s in a foxhole '' come from??"

It came from Christians who can't imagine any other way of behaving under stress then the way they would behave.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingingthroughthejunglewithouta.net), May 26, 2000.

You folks did not disappoint me with the responses on this thread- serious, comical(LOL Nemesis), and other. This is a phenomenon tha certainly happens, and I thank you for your responses.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), May 26, 2000.

Forgive me for going off topic, but I have to know the answer to this one.

"Careful, 'cause many times the louder the woman gets the more she is faking it."

Since there are physical changes...contractions of the vagina, liquid (s) expelled, how can a woman fake this, or more aptly put, how can a man be unaware of the orgasm of the female?

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), May 26, 2000.


Maybe it's that mystery thing, eh?

& Buddy,

How would you know?

-- flora (***@__._), May 26, 2000.


Good question, I mean after all, we can tell when a man is?

Guys, what is up with the fact you cant tell w/us? Unless of course w/the vaginal constrictions, a women is per se loose? but could be from having too many babies, or one big baby.? I've never believed a woman gets loose because of too much sex. Is there any proof?

for me, the louder I get, the more FUN I am having.

I really didnt wish to get involved here, but could not resist.

-- Got 2 be annon. (I@refuse to.tell), May 26, 2000.

Well, it was kinda tongue-in-cheek. But I've been told by some women that they sometimes fake it. I've never understood why really. Are they afraid of what the man will think?

As for a man telling when a woman is having an orgasm, sometimes you can tell and sometimes you can't. It also depends on the woman, some show their reaction more than others.

Wasn't there a scene from "When Harry Met Sally" where this whole issue was covered? I think that was the movie. Didn't Sally prove to Harry that she could fake it and he couldn't tell?

-- Buddy (buddydc@go.com), May 26, 2000.

Got 2,

Sometimes the looseness is a physical trait,not having anything to do with too much sex,some looseness can be attributed to over endowed partners or larger type substitutes.As far as womens' orgasms are concerned,yes,they can be faked,not that it is allways deceptive but is often a gesture of(for lack of a better word)kindness or love for the males' ego/feelings.I have had this proven to me by 'x' amount of women and that many women CAN'T be wrong: )

And sinse I am the CAPTAIN OF FUN I couldn't help chiming in; )

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), May 26, 2000.


-- GOD HERE (GOD@GOD.GOD), May 26, 2000.

I usually utter a series of increasingly louder UH's (uh, Uh, UH) to get God's attention first, then bliss out before getting to the OMG part.

I do remember one young lady saying "Oh My God", but then she added "why did I wait so long?"

For any guys unlucky enough to have a Lilith-type partner, my condolences!!!

-- Bachelor (bach@luv.ya.ladies), May 26, 2000.


Words + orgasm don't mix, in my book. But I get your point! Trouble is Oh God, Dear Lord (my mother's favorite over spilled milk), Jesus H. Christ, Holy Moses, etc. have become very common expletives for almost everything, as Tarzan & others point out. (The fact that this is so could be a whole 'nuther topic.)

Isn't Kundalini Yoga a merging of sex with mysticism?

-- Debbie (dbspence@usa.net), May 26, 2000.

My cousin had a very religious ex-wife who would shout, "thank you Jesus"", at the big moment. Thats' part of the reason she is his ex-wife!

-- trash-can (tc@webtv.net), May 26, 2000.


There's an awful joke trapped in that question, but I think you're referring to the Kama Sutra {or so I've heard}.

-- flora (***@__._), May 26, 2000.

I forgot, sometimes I say "Jesus" as in "Thank You Jesus" after I regain consciousness from blissing out.

-- Batchelor (batch@luv.ya.ladies), May 26, 2000.

Tantra Yoga is the yoga of sex. Highly Recommended!

-- Batchelor (batch@luv.ya.ladies), May 26, 2000.

BTW, Men CAN have multiple orgasms. I never thought this possible, and I will not give a lesson in how, but, yes, it is true. There are books out there if anyone wants to look.

I'm not telling. There is just so far I will go in getting personal ; ).

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), May 26, 2000.


You are correct about men having multiple orgasms.

All you men out there that think it is impossible, you should do a little research on the subject and give it a try. But don't expect results overnight, cause it takes a while to learn.

Oh well, I'll shut up now.

-- (Sheeple@Greener.Pastures), May 26, 2000.

FS: I do believe all here have gotten a little personal. LOL.

MOM = Multiple Orgasmic Men.???

WOW. never knew men could do that. Knew woman can :-) big cheesy grin.

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), May 26, 2000.

Sheeple wrote, "You are correct about men having multiple orgasms."

Hey, this is the first that I've heard of this... Okay, I'll do some research.

As to what people say, who can talk? If it's good enough, I can't form coherent words.

As for figuring out when a woman has ... um ... reached the pleasure point (Hey, I'm a gentleman, okay?) I've always figured that it was when she stopped gasping and started panting a little slower. 8-)

obviously, that last statement is from memory. It's been awhile...

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), May 26, 2000.

Oh my God is what they say when they are faking. If they are having a real orgasm, their eyes will roll around in their head and they will make some unintelligible noises, but they will be too far gone to say anything coherent.

-- Hawk (flyin@hi.again), May 26, 2000.

FutureShock and Sheeple,

Have you ever heard of the author Mantak Chia?

-- Debra (??@??.com), May 26, 2000.


If you were with me, you wouldn't have time for all of that thinking.

-- Take a (guess@who.Iam), May 26, 2000.


I don't think that I have heard of that author. But then again, on that subject line I don't really look at the author but more the subject. I'll have to check "the library" to see if anything is in there. Who knows, could very well be.

-- (Sheeple@Greener.Pastures), May 26, 2000.

Hawk: you silly ol goose....so now i know why i have NEVER said oh my god......and thats what happened to my eyes? Cooolll....strait from the Hawk's mouth...


-- consumer (shh@aol.com), May 26, 2000.

Hawks partually right!

Oh my God is what they say when they are faking. Not necessarily.

It's what women say when they realise he went and got his and she is left ready and suffering, so it may be interpreted as faking.... when they yell "Oh My God"!!!

If they are having a real orgasm, their eyes will roll around in their head and they will make some unintelligible noises, but they will be too far gone to say anything coherent.

I agree to that, who could form words when you are screaming in pleasure? After, with the speeding heart, light coat of sweat over the body, and the gasping to recieve oxygen, who has the ability to talk?

-- Cherri (sams@brigadoon.com), May 26, 2000.

FutureShock or anyone,

"BTW, Men CAN have multiple orgasms"

Wow, I'm on the opposite extreme. What about not being able to have an orgasm with a partner? I can't achieve one with a partner but can by myself. I hope that didn't offend anyone. I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs. Or maybe i should? -gg-

-- Philip (lip411@yahoo.com), May 26, 2000.

No offense taken Phillip. You're lost. Lost in the dustbin of sexual dysfunctionals that nobody gives a shit about. Buy a pig and don't buy a gun.

-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), May 27, 2000.

lol, thx Carlos.

-- Philip (lip411@yahoo.com), May 27, 2000.


Not an atheist here, but am amazed at the number of forumites that wish to share their personal experiences (aren't YOU?). Voyuerism is more rampant than I thought. Your responses??

-- Aunt Bee (SheriffAndy@Mayberry.com), May 27, 2000.


You wouldn't happen to have a reference or URL for your assertion, would you? You see, this weekend is our wedding anniversary, and, well, um, certain expectations of performance are involved, and, uh, well, nevermind.

-- Spindoc' (spindoc_99_2000@yahoo.com), May 27, 2000.

Oops, i think my previous post was off topic. No need to respond folks.

-- Philip (lip411@yahoo.com), May 27, 2000.

Aunt Bee:

I am not surprised at all about the responses on this thread. I took the forumites into consideration before I posted the question. I knew there would be interesting input.

I do not, however, think this is voyeurism-it is a group of adults speaking about a subject that most of the puritan world thinks should be taboo-but we have a group of non-rigid, open-minded folks here who are willing to discuss things without that good old-time religion.


No URL. Just personal experience.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), May 27, 2000.

Dear Phillip,

Being tickled by a feather can be fun and can lead to very pleasurable consequences!!!

-- Chris (griffen@globalnet.co.uk), May 27, 2000.

Seriously, though, Cherri and Hawk hit it pretty close to the mark, as far as my experience goes. I may have screamed, "Oh, my God" at some time or other, but I really don't remember anything specific there. I mean, the experience itself -- to me -- really doesn't lend itself to my being able to clearly articulate anything other than various screams and other sounds, some of which would probably defy description.

You know, its interesting to me that although my other post might have seemed nervy in a way, it took me another 24 hours to get up the nerve to talk a little about my actual experience here.

-- eve (eve_rebekah@yahoo.com), May 27, 2000.

Spindoc: Here is a URL for you on Male Multiple Orgasms. The method of control is much like the Kegel exercises that Gilda introduced for women in another thread previously. The main goal is to prevent ejaculation at the last minute by clamping down on the sphincter typically used to control urine flow when you see three people in front of you in the line at the restroom. You must also be willing to pause for some seconds to experience the orgasmic spasms, and maybe even think about baseball for a some seconds so round 2 gets a fresh start.

In many ways, I would think this practice similar to multiple orgasms in women, as the body becomes more heightened with each orgasm, making each successive orgasm stronger and "deeper in effect". In other ways, it seems superior, yet inferior to multiple female orgasms in that female orgasms can be accompanied by ejaculation of fluids that increase with successive orgasms, yet weaken the body with each orgasm as well. So the end result is that if both you and your partner reach say 5 orgasms, YOU will be exhausted after YOUR fifth, but your partner will fall off the bed like a limp rag, having weakened successively from each of the five.

Rule of thumb: Ensure you have plenty of time for both you and your partner to "recover" or don't do this within a few hours of an activity in which your body or mind are required to function.


Lilith is the "naughty" one. You WANT Lilith in the bedroom. You want Eve when your family comes for dinner. [not to be confused with our poster of the same name.]

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), May 27, 2000.


If you fall off the bed after the first one, where do you fall off after the fifth one? The planet??

-- Normally (Oxsys@aol.com), May 27, 2000.


I guess I was unclear again. I don't fall off the bed after the first one. It's the 5th one that turns me into a limp rag. I've had to put SO in touch with my signals on this issue. There's a certain limit, after which one feels they're going to literally die, and I hope to never experience that sensation again. If my mom's coming for dinner in an hour, I may very well use the signal after 1 or 2.

My point all along was that I don't understand why ANY woman would fake an orgasm. Isn't this deceit? Like ANY lie, won't this eventually come out in conversation? Oh what a tangled web we weave ...and all that.

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), May 27, 2000.

Anita, I believe that women fake it sometimes because men think that an orgasm is necessary for a woman to feel satisfied.They can't easily accept that sometimes gentle sweet loving is just what is needed. Again,if you are tired when you go to bed you don't always feel interested in running a marathon !!

-- Chris (griffen@globalnet.co.uk), May 27, 2000.


I'm [by far] not experienced enough to speak for ALL men, but around here we talk about this stuff. If I'm too tired [or preoccupied in thoughts of something else] for an orgasm, but not too tired for some loving, I say that up-front. I only need to LOOK at SO to determine whether he's too tired for an orgasm, but that doesn't mean he's too tired for some loving. If he doesn't respond to my advances, I assume he's too tired [or too preoccupied in thoughts of something else.] If he does, I don't expect HIS body to culminate, although I give it my best shot. Sometimes he just THOUGHT he was too tired or preoccupied, and sometimes he really WAS too tired. Same holds true of me. IMO, this shouldn't be a game wherein one allows another to win, nor one wherein one is REQUIRED to win for the game to be enjoyable.

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), May 27, 2000.

"My point all along was that I don't understand why ANY woman would fake an orgasm. Isn't this deceit? Like ANY lie, won't this eventually come out in conversation? Oh what a tangled web we weave ...and all that."

I admit to have faked orgasms maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of the time in the begining of my marriage. The reason I did it then is because both my husband and I were inexperienced in our sexual relationship with each other (knowing what the other likes, knowing what ONE likes etc.), and at times he worked so hard at it and still I could not get pleasure enough to get to the point of orgasm. I felt sorry for him as well as for myself those nights, thinking there had to be something wrong with me or him that I could not have an orgasm, so I faked it to give HIM satisfaction with himself and his performance.

As we grew to know each other better and got more comfortable discussing sex with each other, I've told him of those faked orgasms and why. That was the best thing I did. He started to focus on what turned me on and what I liked, and we experimented. That was a huge turn on for him, and me, still is. The time of the faked orgasms are long gone. But still some nights, usually when I'm tired or preocupied, my mind isn't into it and no matter how good he is I can't reach orgasm. He knows instinctively in those times, and he won't insist. He'll settle for a "quicky" if I'm so inclined, and won't feel inadequate or unloved.

-- (y@x.x), May 27, 2000.

Anita, I quite agree.In my experience men & women are not always self- confident enough to be really honest with each other in bed.My own experience has been coloured by having a secret affair for 15 years with a married man.This kind of relationship has very different dynamics.I mean,you really worry alot if he has a heart attack in the middle of all the excitement!!LOL or not ...as the case maybe.

-- Chris (griffen@globalnet.co.uk), May 27, 2000.


Ahh, yes. The near death experience.

Once is usually enough for me.

-- Kegels (aremybre@kfast.cereal), May 27, 2000.

Well, I used to call out my girlfreinds name. She was a hottie and we dated for about six months. Excellent body and very good in bed but the time came and we split up. I started dating another girl and we were taking it slow. (at least I thought) One evening while my buddy and I were watching the game and drinking beer she just showed up. We had been dating for only a couple of weeks at this point. My buddy left and she jumped me. Literally jumped me, wresteld me to the floor and started ripping my clothes off. I had never experienced a woman quite this agressive before but I was enjoying it. Well, we ended up in the bedroom and let me remind you I had had about 5 beers. Just at the point of climax I called out my past girlfriends name as I had gotten into the habit of doing. Whoa boy! Mistake of mistakes. Accidental of course due to habit and excessive beer intake. She became hercules and threw me off so hard my head almost hit the ceiling. A lot of crying and screaming ensued. I just sat there apologizing over and over. I've never said any name during sex since.

-- No name caller here (nonamecallerhere@orastic.com), June 08, 2000.

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