VCD from MPack/Toast has no audio : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Ok, so check this one out... I've created two VCDs two different ways and both have no audio but video is fine.

1. Started with a quicktime .mov which i ran through M.Pack and then burned with Toast.

2. Started with .dat file from a VCD i know works, converted it to .mpg with VCD Gear, then burned it with Toast.

both times the video comes up clear but no sound

I am playing these in a Sony DVP-300 DVD player, which incidentally works with CD-RW but not CD-R

anybody have any ideas what i'm doing wrong? i'm using a file that i know is compliant and burning it with toast which wont allow you to burn bunk files so i cant figure out where i went wrong

-- Craig Brubaker (, May 25, 2000


You can try: --actually playing the created .mpg file first on the HDD with a s/w player like Xing, Windows Media Player, etc. just to verify that it indeed behaves as expected before using it to create your VCD --using something other than Toast (Nero?) to author the VCD

-- EMartinez (, May 27, 2000.

Try making 'split' files with m.pack, then multiplex them together in a separate step. Sometimes m.pack seems to stop audio encoding when encoding to a single file. Also, make sure that the video and audio files are produced with the proper settings.

I used m.pack for a while, and while it is useful, it is kind of troublesome. If you haven't yet purchased the program, I would consider paying another hundred dollars for Heuris Power Professional (I actually bought my copy from It gives you a lot of control over the encoding process, the encoding is better, and it will also make toast ready mpeg files. The encoding with Heuris can take a bit longer, but the results are worth it.

You might also try using Internet Disk Writer. I have forgotten the web address, but there encoder is ok, too. They also write the the vcd directly, letting you bypass Toast altogether.

-- Eric Leuschen (, May 27, 2000.

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