Do you think your S.O. oversimplifies issues or makes things overly complex? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Or just right? And how much does it matter?
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2000
He usually overcomplicates things, most notably explanations. The kids have taken to saying "I only want the 30 second answer, Dad, not the five minute one."Does it matter? not much, but it does make things interesting. Maybe this is why it takes us forever to do anything when he's home.
-- Anonymous, May 24, 2000
If I had a penny for every time I've asked him, 'Why do you make such simple things so bloody complicated?'... And my cry of 'Fast forward!' when he's trying to explain the minutae of some shit about which I couldn't care less -- or understand even if I DID have some interest about it -- has become a familiar refrain.But he lets me get away with being that biznatchy, so I love him anyway.
-- Anonymous, May 24, 2000
My wife! She makes everything more complicated than it really is. She spends most of her days "making work" out of simple things. It matters a lot to me... I don't see our marriage lasting past my younger son's high school graduation (2 years).
-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000
OVERSIMPLIFY hello.Aggravating crap let me tell you coming from a drama queen.
-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000
Dario oversimplifies *everything*. It is only in recent years that he's come to accept any grey areas whatsoever. I, on the other hand, freely admit that I tend to needlessly complicate things. Constantly.This, of course, is why we're the perfect couple. :-)
-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000