marketing lambs : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi all Was wondering how you market your lambs. Do you have to take them to an auction or is there another way that I don't know about? Like a co-op or direct purchaser. We usually sell ours as locker lambs but this year we have way to many to sell that way. We both work full time off the farm and don't really have time to spend at an auction waiting for ours to sell. Also, isn't it kind of a gamble not knowing what kind of a price you might get? Any suggestions? Thanks

-- Judi Hunter (, May 19, 2000


Hi Judi,

I am the secretary for the newly formed Mid-Atlantic Maeat Goat and Lamb Marketing cooperative located out of VA... We just formed a yr ago as prices were bad for meat goats in our area. The way it works with prices we have a manager, Marliyn Sanford who founded the coop, give us prices from the buyers before sales so the prices are alreayd set before we sell. so far we have been fairly successful. If you'd like further information please give me your snail address and I'll send you some information. If you'd like to e-mail our mamager her e- mail addy is; She alos has lamgbs and sheep.


-- Bernice (, May 19, 2000.

The only way I have been able to sell lambs is having a free web page. AOL has one that is simple and easy to use. Make sure you get your web page on all the search engines and free sheep breed directories. You would be very suprised at how much business you will do!!

-- Bergere (, May 19, 2000.

Someone mention the web, I have the same question, living in OK>, there isn't much interest in eating lamb. This is cattle country. We do raise cattle, and take to a local auction, but cattle is not my thing. I love raising sheep. We have quite a few lambs but forunately they are all ewe lambs so I will just wait and breed them. The problem is the only lamb auction house for me is 3 hrs away and the price is not worth what I have in the sheep. So... I will have to try next year a way of making money and selling them as locker lambs. Maybe the web. Or else thats it, I can only raise them for ourselves and we will have to stick with the cattle. We also have beehives, but people seem to think it should be given away instead of bought or barter with!

-- Debbie Wolcott (, May 22, 2000.

Bergere, What is your web site address?

-- Tami Bowser (, May 23, 2000.

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