LL is nutz!greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
This continued hassle of Diane by LL is really stupid.Doesn't LL have anything else to do with her life than spam?
What an idiot!
-- LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! (LLisnutz@nutz.nutz.nutz), May 17, 2000
I want to make sure I am clearly understood.LL is nutz!
-- LL is nutz! (ntz@nutz.nutz.nutz.), May 17, 2000.
Wow ...whatta bummer !
-- LocknLoad (locknload@hotmail.com), May 18, 2000.
LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!
-- Ll is nutz! nutz! nutz! (LLisnutz@nutz.nutz.nutz), May 18, 2000.
Did you say:LL is nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz! nutz!
So true! So true!
-- Evidence shows that! (isaw@the.old.places), May 18, 2000.
Hey, when you're done talking to yourself, come join us. We're about to install Laura as the new Head Sysop Of The Entire Forum. It'll be a great party. You won't want to miss it!!
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), May 18, 2000.
Hey, when you're done talking to yourself, come join us. We're about to install Laura as the new Head Sysop Of The Entire Forum. It'll be a great party. You won't want to miss it!! -- (hmm@hmm.hmm), May 18, 2000.She is the last person I would want 'head' from. After you, of course.
-- hmm, what a jerk (hmm@jerks.r.u), May 18, 2000.
2 the top
-- 2 the top (2@the.top), May 22, 2000.