Time to Leave

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

The time has come for me to move on....before leaving, I wanted to share two positive effects that y2k has had in my life.

#1 As a child, I grew up hearing stories from my parents and grandparents about the depression. How my father, as the oldest child, would go to the train tracks several times a day to gather coal so there would be heat in the house. And when there was no food for the table, he would go out with a 22 rifle to hunt for small game. I was the oldest child. I spent most of my childhood worrying that something would go wrong and I would be forced to do those things which my father had done in his childhood. As an adult, I *knew* that I would never be able to "measure up" and I've spent decades worrying. y2k forced me to confront those fears and to take positive action. My worrying is now over.....hopefully banished forever. A relief and a blessing!!

#2 In March, I boxed up most of the y2k food and hauled it down to the local food bank. While I was helping to unload the food, I starting talking with the director of the food bank. By the time we were done unloading the food, I volunteered to work there. Since then, I've been working two or three days a week at the food bank until recently when I've been sidelined with a bout of tendonitis. As soon as I recover, I will go back to volunteering there. The work is hard but rewarding and the people are great! I never would have known about the food bank except for y2k.

My reason for leaving this forum now is that I decided to volunteer for Project Gutenberg (http://promo.net/pg/). I received final approval late yesterday. My OCR software does not work well with old books so I will have to manually type a 337 page book. LOL This should keep me out of trouble for the duration of my recovery period.

I wish all of you happiness and joy! Bye.......

-- Lynn Ratcliffe (mcgrew@ntr.net), May 16, 2000



Thank you very much for this post. As the old Irish saying goes, "...and may the wind always be at your back." Best wishes.

-- Richard (Astral-Acres@webtv.net), May 16, 2000.


Thank you for the post, Lynn. I wish you the very best. Sounds like you'll be busy.

Good luck to you!


-- Maya (Maya@eck.ist), May 16, 2000.

Lynn, if you recall, my sister lives in your neck of the woods and you were kind enough last year to provide me additional information about the state of local y2k preparations. That meant a great deal to me, given that y2k was not on sis' radar screen and I didn't know how best to help her. Good luck!

-- Brooks (brooksbie@hotmail.com), May 17, 2000.

You should leave. You and the rest of your disgusting band of debunky trolls should be ashamed of the way you tried to stop people from preparing last year.

*Sigh* When will people start taking responsibility for their own actions?

[imposter troll from OTFR]

-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspacesfs@earthlink.net), May 17, 2000.

Lynn, I wish you well! Didn't get to know you, but with an exit like this, the forum will obviously be loosing a good and kind person.

-- FactFinder (FactFinder@bzn.com), May 17, 2000.


-- testing (test@test.test), May 17, 2000.

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