ATI capture options / Expert Help Needed pt2 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hello again, My card is AGP2x, 8mb ATI Allinwonderpro, before i capture, i have a choice of these three settings under the ATi Video Player.....

Interlaced - both fields - one field

Can someone explain what each is please, and which is the best for PAL VHS souce capturing (to avi).

Also, due to the 2gb limit, i cant really edit or filter any avi's, the codec i use to capture is ATIVCR2 (20:1 comp ratio), so, can adjusting the brightness and contrast help improve quality before i dump the avi's into my mpg encoder?

One final note, i posted yesterday about not being able to burn mpg1 files as vcd's using Nero etc... So why do Panasonic and LSX claim that their software creates a fully compliant vcd mpg?

Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

Thank you.


ps. What is 'Amber' encoding software all about?

-- Andy (, May 11, 2000


If you are capturing at VCD resolution (352x288) only then use both field. Use Interlace only if you capture at fullframe (720x576). I was told the one field option results in lower quality. Never tried that, I always use both fields. If you use the mpeg1 files produced by ATI then you won;t be able to burn a valid VCD. It has to do with the ATI software problem. You need to use program like IfilEdit to correct. But if you use the stand alone version of LSX encoder then this problem shouldn't be there. Same for Panasonic encoder.

-- Tom (, May 12, 2000.

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