no laws'needed for the pure in : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
the Only law,in the kingdom of GOD, IS LOVE.Love fulfills the law. congress can pass 1 million laws,but never change the heart of takes a WORK OF GRACE.AMAZING GRACE, how sweet the sound'that saves'a wretch like me.the BLOOD of JESUS is the cure.taken daily'will save forever.
-- al-d (, May 10, 2000
Well there Al-d, you are correct in stating that this is an uncensored forum. So, for Bingo1 and others lets take a look at what a pathetic piece of human waste you are. Last year you appeared all over the net with your wife Marianne, remember? Al and Marianne Driscoll were awarded 11.4 million dollars because they were allegedly being hounded by a finance company. The bottom line is that you two scumbags owed a ton of money and wouldnt pay your legal debts. Award or not, nobody was going to pay a cent to the Driscolls so you went on all of the Christian sites asking for good folks to pray for you to get your money. Remember? You were asked to leave Pastor Chris' site were you not?People, this Al Driscoll is lower than trailer trash and the last person that should be spouting any religious convictions. While somewhat entertaining, he is still the kind of person that should be shunned for what he is.
Hey Al, did they catch up with your sorry ass yet? Just a matter of time.
-- The (boyz@are.looking), May 11, 2000.
Is this TRUE???? provide a link, i wanna see it, cuz IF it is, I dont want no part of this hypocrit, and I am SERIOUS.
-- consumer (, May 11, 2000.
True or not. If you're looking on man, any man to be sin free, you will always be disappointed to find his feet made of clay. Jesus is the only one that was/is free of sin.Jesus said: He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone...
-- I believe in Him (Jesus is King@Kingdom.come), May 11, 2000.