All BANKS will CLOSE by mid JUNE this year. The greatest financial disaster in the history of the world is about to : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
The next few weeks are critical. Watch the stock market for reasons to be very concerned about the banks remaining open in the next few months. Don't scoff, we are treading very dangerously in this economy. Something to chew on.
-- Believer (believer@great. depression.ever), May 08, 2000
Details, please. Don't ask us to believe it just because you said so.
-- Open (minded@but.skeptical), May 08, 2000.
Sorry BelieverAnd I mean that sincerely. SORRY-Nothing to chew on. No solid, or otherwise, verifiable information. Facts not fiction, PLUZEEEEEE.
-- Aunt Bee (, May 08, 2000.
Are they going to give us our money back before they close?
-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), May 08, 2000.
People PLEASEYou want fact look at debt, record stock prices and real estate. Does that have any ring to it.
Then if you can't see the forest through the trees, then just keep an eye on the stock market.
I'd send you a video of the financial ruin coming, but nobody would pay attention because they have been brainwashed by our leaders. I guess Clinton never lied under oath, and he will tell the American people if something bad is about to happen. NOT
-- believer (believer@great.depression.ever), May 08, 2000.
None of the "old" indicators are reliable anymore. When the banks do not close by mid June of this year, will you submit a post acknowledging your error?
-- (I, May 08, 2000.
I do think the stockmarket is due for a "MAJOR adjustment" but I don't see why it should cause banks to close.When people take money out of the market, what do they do with it? Don't some put it in the bank? Banks today are offering 7+% CDs. Nothing compared to the great gains of NASDAQ, but much safer. And when banks start collecting cash, they can do things like offer lower mortgage rates.
It is a new age.
Where am I wrong here??? <:)=
-- Sysman (, May 08, 2000.
Didn't I see this same post here a year ago?
-- Lars (, May 08, 2000.
Debt, record stock prices and real estate are all possible concerns, but why June?Details, please. Don't be so vague.
-- Open (minded@bit.skeptical), May 08, 2000.
Yada yada yada. And the Y2k bug is going to cause a crash. And the meteor shower is gonna mess up our communications.....Yes there are system problems. But come on, even skeptics like me are tired of hearing "Wolf!" all the time.
-- haha (, May 08, 2000.
Stop the insanity. I am doomed out.
-- Maya (, May 08, 2000.
We're all going to die.
-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), May 08, 2000.
Hello, Sysman. I trust your recovery has gone smoothly.I'm guessing that Believer's concern is with the amount of money banks have loaned that is being used to speculate in stocks and in derivatives. If the market turns ugly such that enough of these borrowers are unable to pay even the interest on their loans, the banks to whom they owe the money won't be able to pay their own bills, and will go bankrupt.
But I too would like to hear why the risk over the next few weeks would be any greater than during other recent or upcoming periods.
FutureShock, can't you stop fueling the hysteria. 8^)
-- David L (, May 08, 2000.
Oh darn, just when I had a 'lil' savings account goin on. I'm w/Hawk, are dey gonna give us our $$$ first?FS, LOL, your getting as bad as KOS.
PS to FS:
Wanna mudwrestle?
-- consumer (, May 08, 2000.
Sounds like goldloser's back . Switch name again GL! . Everyone here say's why JUNE! . Still no answer .
-- justin (, May 08, 2000.
This is about as likely to happen as Lady Loonie giving up powdering her ass.
-- Manny (, May 08, 2000.
It appears my generic response to all doom posts is annoying people : 0 !I guess I should continue posting it!
Consumer-I would like to; I think my wife, however may have a different answer!
-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), May 08, 2000.
gov will bail out banks. remember s & ls
-- scorekeeper (, May 08, 2000.
The bitch about dying is having to live through it.
-- Ma Kettle (, May 08, 2000.
But Ma, if you stop being paranoid, life ain't such a bitch after all.
-- Don't (worry@be.happy), May 08, 2000.
believer-Would you have, by any chance, obtained this video from a precious metals vendor? Just wondering...
-- Gia (, May 09, 2000.
FS:Would she like to mudwrestle? :-}
BTW, keep up the 'provoking posts' soon our good friend Andy will make a way for us all....***snicker***
-- consumer (, May 09, 2000.
Gia, would you, by any chance, have two synapses that fire together?
-- (Gia is f@t and .uglly), May 09, 2000.
Of course all banks will close by mid June. Mine closes every Sunday.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), May 09, 2000.
mid june.....really?
-- cin (cin@cin.cin), July 17, 2000.
Dang!It's getting so you can't believe any doomerish preditions any more. Some day there really will be a wolf and no one will believe the cries.
-- Cherri (, July 17, 2000.
cin, Cherri: Maybe it's not really July right now.....(insert eerie silent film flourish of organ music................)
-- Patricia (, July 17, 2000.