Does springtime make you horny? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Is it the warm weather? The half naked people running around? The longer days? The furry little critters humpin' all over town? Is it something primal, something pushed on us by the media, or something that's just in my imagination?If spring doesn't affect you the way it affects me, and you're a cute young thing who'd just really like to be left alone, then don't be walking past my house in your boxer shorts or anything. I'm just sayin'.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2000
Yes! It does!For me I think it's about all the flowers blooming, the spring thunderstorms and everything being green. Nature is in full swing, fertilizing and reproducing and...
The heat only emphasizes it.
Oh. So do sexy men.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2000
SURE it does. I do think it is in the genes, or inborn or whatever in many living creatures.I see the drakes chasing and flying after the ducks, reminds me of humans.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2000
Thanks Jackie. ;-)I've definitely noticed an increased desire in the spring time. I've always attributed it to the fact that women suddenly begin wearing skimpy clothing. It doesn't hurt that I get to wear less clothing as well. I also love the warmth. (I live in one of the warmest regions of Canada, but I still hate the winter. it's too damn cold.)
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2000
Oh yeah -- I've written about it before, I think. It used to be much worse, when I was in my twenties, full of hope, or looking for hope, or whatever way you want to look at it. Spring was a new start, and I craved a new start, so the hormonal rush, the pheromone avalanche from all that damp soil and sprouting growth was f**king overwhelming. I could barely think from April to June, and I would walk around at night with a hard-on.Thankfully, I've gotten over it.
I still feel jolts of it every now and then, but then I no longer feel the longing for hope. I'm hopeless. There.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2000
I haven't noticed it myself. But then I always get a runny nose for the whole pollen season, and that kind of dampens the feeling of general well-being that comes with spring. But, ummmmmm, (how to say this delicately?)as a male person I find plenty of other excuses, among them evening, morning and noontime. But especially morning.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2000
Completely. But try being 21 and having just fallen in love with someone new in the spring. It's a miracle I ever leave my room. ;)
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2000
Hell yes, and i think it is part bbiological and a lot to do with feeling more alive with the sunlight and warmer weather, shaking off the winter blahs, and ESPECIALLY the hotties walking around in shorts and tanktops.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2000
Hell, at least that explains the sudden inability to think about anything else. Not to mention the sudden attraction to younger men.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2000
I figured it was all the bluebonnets massing around Central Texas, along with carpets of various other wildflowers.But yes, Beth, I agree. Cute, hell, anything on two legs needs to scoot by me awfully quickly this month.
I'm drinking a lot of ice water, although I haven't started cold showers yet.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2000
Spring? What's spring?Sarah, who is looking out the window at 9 inches of snow and thinking wistfully of moving back to California.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2000
Yes, oh yes! I was explaining to my current boytoy that I am absolutely overcome with Spring Fever at this time every year. My symptoms? When I'm in a relationship, I develop irrational crushes on everything that moves. When I'm not, I see all kinds of play that I missed out on in the winter months (hence the boytoy).I'm in Houston, TX, land of little weather, so I don't think it has too much to do with temperatures. Although the year I spent in England I felt it very keenly-- there was this whole attitude of "The sun's out! Must frolic!".
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2000
I'll add an Amen to Stacey's post.Only, y'know, 20 instead of 21.
Hey, frolicsome is *good*. : ) And it doesn't hurt that this is the first spring I've had a boy who's feeling it too.
(Heh. I'm leaving that one alone.)
-- Anonymous, April 13, 2000
Springtime? You said springtime??? The forecast overhere: 10 degrees celsius, gale force winds and continuous drizzle mixed with the occasional thunderstorm. Everyone's wearing raincoats, and since I do not have a raincoat fetish, there's nothing to feel horny about out here. Honestly, Beth, what I wouldn't give for one single ray of sunshine right about now.....
-- Anonymous, April 13, 2000
Summer is my sexy time.I always seem to loose that extra 5 pounds as soon as summer hits. My body tightens up and gets tan without much effort on my part. I feel really good about myself once this happens and I feel super sexy. There is nothing like laying in the sun with your partner, feeling all warm and toned and healthy, and reaching over to touch their skin all hot from the sun. Oh god, I have to quit talking about it.
-- Anonymous, April 13, 2000
Oh. Man, I'm sorry, Dave.Maybe you didn't hear me right the first time. I said SEXY men.
You Rob.
-- Anonymous, April 14, 2000
Oh, SEXY like Rob. Short. Goopy eye. Gotcha.
-- Anonymous, April 14, 2000
No. See, a sexy man is just as much about his humor, his creativity, his curiousity as it as about his warm eyes, his tender smile and his broud shoulders. A passionate man is a sexy man.Again, I'm sorry, Dave.
-- Anonymous, April 14, 2000
Well, Jackie, having checked out your website, I have to agree. You are sorry.
-- Anonymous, April 14, 2000
Can we play nice, please? This topic is about feeling horny, not about acting like an asshole.Let's put personal snipes in e-mail or on your own webpage.
-- Anonymous, April 14, 2000
I whole heartedly agree with Beth. Why smear the whole forum environment with shit as has been happening for a while ?
-- Anonymous, April 14, 2000
Agreed and my apologies.Back to horny...
I have a white iris blooming in a budvase here on my desk. It's amazing to watch it bloom so slowly and beautifully. The smell alone is very sweet but musky. Very erotic.
-- Anonymous, April 14, 2000
My public apologies too, Beth - - - to you !I will vote for the Iris too, it is flamboyantly colored and shaped. Reminiscent I think maybe of some of the fancy French knick nacks from way back when. It speaks of graceful fun and games.
-- Anonymous, April 14, 2000
Nope. For me the season of lust is definitely winter. But then, I live in Florida.
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2000
Uh, yeah.When I lived in Toronto, spring was just this wild time; crazy thunderstorms with gusting winds and lashing rain and then there were these warm soft rainfalls that made that rich earth smell permeate everything and then there were was the one day were you woke up, and all the trees were suddenly green! It was all very passionate and exuberant and made you feel really *alive*. And of course, terribly terribly horny. And you can tell that everyone is feeling the same; sunroofs are open, people checking eachother out from their cars. Too fun.
Here in Seattle it's a little more gentle - softer, sweeter almost. Things bloom slowly, one by one. You can see the buds come out, and they take a few days to unfurl into leaves. This year we're actually *getting* a spring (as opposed to last years 6 or 7 straight months of miserable rain) and it's also been a very mild winter. And I have a new man and of course am really feeling the effects of all this blooming and warming! Let's just say it was *really* tough to leave his place this morning (especially knowing we'd both be going to work all weekend and I might not see him 'till *next* weekend). I also observed just this morning how all the couples come out when the sun shines; everyone is holding hands and bein' all smoochy.
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2000
"The sun's out! Must frolic!"Exactly. For me it's also about me being able to wear smimpy cloths and feel the sun/wind/air on my body.
But it's going on winter here :-(
-- Anonymous, April 16, 2000
oops, that was meant to say skimpy clothes"!
-- Anonymous, April 16, 2000