Wonder how many here are stuck in negative, pessimistic, defeatism for life?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

I used to be a doomer in early 1998. Took till summer of 1999 to come out of it and stop worrying about Y2K. Most valuable thing I learned was why I was attracted to the negative and worries in the first place. I think I'm pretty much over it now.

I've noticed MANY (most?) at old TB2000 and even here could be charaterized as negative, pessimistic, and possesed of self-defeatism in their attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. They didn't like society, the government or their fellow humans all that much. In fact, there was lots of loathing for same. Especially for others holding differing points of view. Seemed a strong need to attack and see as defeated anything or anyone that threatened their viewpoints.

Older I get the more I see the benefit in being around and focusing on positive, constructive people and influences. Seems many here are as mired in their negative, pessimistic, go nowhere in life lives as they can afford to be and still eat and stay out of the weather.

I remember the survivalist books, mags and arguments from the 1970's. Same stuff dusted off and recycled for the Y2K market. Now, when I check in here, less and less frequently, I see the same stuff puth forth once more. "We dodged the Y2K bullet, but best get and stay prepared! You just know that collapse and trouble is coming one day soon. Just a mater of time. Prepare like the best (me) or die like the rest". Heck, some folks are still worried about embedded chips causing nuclear plant meltdowns at this late date due to Y2K reasons. Hellooooooooo! Y2K is over! It went down in history as a non event, in case you've been spending the last three months buying last minute preps instead of paying attention, passing on the "official spin from TPTB" for a reread of Yourdon's book.

Point is, I think more and more many on this forum are perpetual mal-content losers whose negative, pessimistic rationalizations and predictions and fears end up robbing them of YEARS and DECADES of LIFE so that -- maybe -- they just light live a little longer than others due to having "preps" in case society does collapse. Sounds like a pathetic way to waste your life to me. I wonder how many doomers who prepped for rollover, not liking society now, are just warmed over hippies who didn't like "the system" in the 1960's either and are having their second childhood repeating the same sort of rhetoric they did in their wasted youth "rebelling against the system" -- then and now.

I read some post on threads here and am appalled. But, I do draw the lesson of what being negative, pessimistic and holding to defeatist, go nowhere in life beliefs and thinking does to people. I wonder, how many here are happy? How many here spend much of thier focus on possitive, worthwhile, constructive things -- rather than worries about doom and problems that rarely or never come. How many wish they could "drop out" of the system because they hate the "gubmint" instead of living their lives so that the world is a better place for their having lived. I wonder how often they tell someone "I love you" or show love to others rather than mentally preparing to kill looters when society collapses.

I wonder how many on the negative, pessimistic side have done much worthwhile over the last year, let alone three months, other than just "survive" and trying to figure out what the next "disaster to avoid" is going to demand their time, attention and resources. Wonder how many have thought about a better, brighter tomorrow and how they can prepare for and achieve such rather than watching for approaching storm clouds. More to the point, I wonder how many of these folks will do much worthwhile stuff to make themselves, others or society better over then next year or even decade. I wonder how many will still be spouting the same anti-society, anti-government anti-whatever rhetoric at whatever internet watering holes such types will frequent ten years hence.

Hope I haven't described you. If I have, maybe you need to do some thinking and consider what you want out of the rest of your life. Life is short. Life can be very nice. Don't waste it preparing for a doom that probably will never come and if it does probably won't spare you for much longer than your unprepped neigbors. Society is much nicer to live in than some survivalist compound. Computer, internet, ebiz and new stuff is lots neater to learn than how to survive and kill looters. Living in circa 2000 beats living in circa 1900 or 1800 for sure or humanity would still be doing so, contrary to what all the conspiricy & FUD mongers would have you believe.

Some here are nice and OK. But this place grows more and more like an old neighborhood bar that once seemed ok due to all the familiar faces, few of which had progressed to advanced drinking and druging yet, but now just seems like a place for losers and never do wells to pass the time, approving of what's negative or noding when someone rationalizes why they don't try to get ahead in life - can't - the game's rigged ya know! So just have another drink and don't worry about it. A round of doomer memes for everyone! (mostly) Losers!

If this post makes you angry, maybe rather than flame it would be more beneficial to get a life and get some help. Of course, doing what's better rather than just what appeals to your need to defend your mentality never has done much to motivate you to a better life so far, has it? Why start moving up and out of your rut now? Heck, doom just MIGHT really be just around the corner! Or not. *SIGH*

Thanks for reminding me why I don't care for this place anymore.

-- Doesn't matter (Been@round.two.years), April 05, 2000



There's a difference between being negative and being prepared. If, for example, I had to drive through the desert, I would much rather replace my radiator hoses and fan belts ahead of time (as well as carrying a few gallons of water) *just in case* than I would just jump in the jalopy and go cruising off into nowhere (without checking the gas gauge, of course).

It's all a matter of perspective,


-- Someone (ChimingIn@twocents.cam), April 05, 2000.

I wonder how many doomers who prepped for rollover, not liking society now, are just warmed over hippies who didn't like "the system" in the 1960's either and are having their second childhood repeating the same sort of rhetoric they did in their wasted youth "rebelling against the system" -- then and now.

Preach it brutha - but ain't you preaching to the WRONG CHOIR? Wasn't it SLEEZY board you wuzz looking for?

-- (doomerstomper@usa.net), April 05, 2000.

Most valuable thing I learned was why I was attracted to the negative and worries in the first place.

So why were you atracted to the negative and worries?

I've noticed MANY (most?) at old TB2000 and even here could be charaterized as negative, pessimistic, and possesed of self-defeatism in their attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. They didn't like society, the government or their fellow humans all that much. In fact, there was lots of loathing for same.

Many, but not a majority.

Especially for others holding differing points of view. Seemed a strong need to attack and see as defeated anything or anyone that threatened their viewpoints.

The old forum was a place "intended for people who are concerned about the impact of the Y2000 problem on their personal lives, and who want to discuss various fallback contingency plans with other like-minded people." People who went to the old forum to try to change the purpose of it should have known their efforts would be met with disagreement, just as some Y2K pessimists were attacked later in 1999 when they occasionally went to the Debunkers forum.

I wonder how many doomers who prepped for rollover, not liking society now, are just warmed over hippies who didn't like "the system" in the 1960's either and are having their second childhood repeating the same sort of rhetoric they did in their wasted youth "rebelling against the system" -- then and now.

I thought the stereotype of a "doomer" was supposed to be that of a conservative who was a member of the religious right, possibly a racist...

Society is much nicer to live in than some survivalist compound.

And just what percentage of the forum do you believe were in a "survivalist compound" at rollover?

There were SOME people on the TB2000 forum who Doesn't matter's message would be appropriate. In general though the message is a collection of stereotypes that describe a minority, not the majority. A collection of stereotypes about Y2K debunkers could be put together, too.

Most news on TV--local, national and international--is bad, yet we watch it anyway. Watching this bad news is usually called being informed. Most people can handle less than positive news without becoming overwhelmed with fear, but some can't. I've always suspected that a few of the Y2K optimists had to be optimistic or else they would have been frightened out of their wits.

I prepared moderately for Y2K (I kept my house in the city and was there at rollover), but I wasn't afraid. I just did what in my estimation was prudent for my family, and part of my prepping for Y2k was being ready to continue with life as usual in case my preps weren't necessary.

Doesn't matter's message should be read by those who thought that, without a doubt, there would be infrastructure problems in their locality in January. My impression of the old forum was that most in mid- and late-1999 were NOT expecting TEOTWAWKI. Scattered, temporary, localized problems still seemed plausible, however.

Thanks for reminding me why I don't care for this place anymore.

No one is forcing you to stay. You should stay though for the breaking news posts and just read the ones of interest to you.

-- (The@Y2K.middleground), April 05, 2000.

Well, jeez, I dunno, heck, seems to me Lusenet is one of the last bastions of free speech.

-- Very (Grateful@still.here), April 05, 2000.

Doesn't matter: I agree with you. I deleted tons of bookmarked items and have found myself spending more time off the computer than on. Even being informed about what's going on around you isn't enough. People lost their asses the last couple of days in the stock market after being warned to get out of it. People are greedy, isn't that why we hoarded food and money - maybe out of fear too which was unjustified.

-- bogs (bogs@boggsss.xcom), April 05, 2000.

Doesn't matter,

Yours is the most negative post I've read here. Get outside and get some fresh air. There's a whole world out there just waitin for you.

-- (.r.@r.....), April 05, 2000.

Well well, thank YOU SO much Dr. Spock, or Spokette, whatever the case may be.... At the end of your post you put *SIGH* hummm, sounds like an OLD sysop to me...So TELL us MR/MS Perfect, WHAT if anything HAVE YOU DONE in the past year to make life worthwhile?

From reading your post, I'd concur you are very pleased with our government, bet you even ENJOYED the long version of the census too?

Why dont you 'come out of the closet' and tell us who you really are?

So were more like an "old bar" with losers and advanced alcoholics and druggies? Sounds to me like you are an AA or perhaps NA.?

You are judgemental. Since you know EACH of 'us' tell me, why do YOU choose to hang w/drunks, druggies and losers?

Surely a person of your caliber should begin a new board,

Perhaps WE here can give a name for it....les see, how bout...


anyone else with better names for MR/MRS perfection.

wonder why I'm pissed? Go back and READ your post you arrogant self- centered son of a bitch.

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), April 05, 2000.

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

-- (@ .), April 05, 2000.

I've decided 'Dosen't Matter' likes this place after all. He has posted this same message twice now, as I remember several months ago reading it. He has a hard time MOVING ON!

-- Tommy Rogers (Been there@Just a Thought.com), April 05, 2000.

At first I thought this person meant to put "cross-post" from the EZ board in his title. Then I realized that he/she was either a troll, or someone who does not care to research a topic before posting on it.

I have not seen the type of posts on this board to which the poster refers.

I DO see these types of posts on the rare trip I make to the EZ board. This is a case of wrong church AND wrong pew.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), April 05, 2000.

Been: You make it too complicated. It's a class thing.

Every poll taken demontrated the same thing:

Doomies tended to be lower-middle class or lower class.

Doomies tended not to be college grads; most were high school grads or less.

Doomies tended not to own their homes; a high percentage lived in single wides or double wides.

Doomies were followers, not leaders. The problem was they followed clever promoters North and Yourdon, who saw easy pickings in the sheep.


Depressing, but true.

-- (retard@but.happy), April 05, 2000.


Good theory, but how do you explain Tim May.

Best wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), April 05, 2000.

I have car insurance, home insurance, preps. Each costs me a little in time and money but I think it's prudent to play some things consevatively. My choice. BTW I live a pretty full life, I believe.

-- brock gannon (brockgannon@gnc.net), April 05, 2000.

Been: You make it too complicated. It's a class thing.

Every poll taken demontrated the same thing:

Doomies tended to be lower-middle class or lower class.

Doomies tended not to be college grads; most were high school grads or less.

Doomies tended not to own their homes; a high percentage lived in single wides or double wides.

Doomies were followers, not leaders. The problem was they followed clever promoters North and Yourdon, who saw easy pickings in the sheep.


Depressing, but true.

-- (retard@but.happy), April 05, 2000.

LOL..... obviously you wern't around at the old TB2k a year ago.. a good percentage were programers, engineers, and techs of all sort and stripe... are the "polly" upper class you are thinking of the "never done a days work in their life", born with a silver spoon in their mouth, super rich?... Like they have a grip on what the real world is all about?.... LOL again !!!!!

One thing we can agree on.. you chose you name perfectly :-)

-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), April 05, 2000.

"Some here are nice and OK. But this place grows more and more like an old neighborhood bar that once seemed ok due to all the familiar faces, few of which had progressed to advanced drinking and druging yet, but now just seems like a place for losers and never do wells to pass the time, approving of what's negative or noding when someone rationalizes why they don't try to get ahead in life - can't - the game's rigged ya know! So just have another drink and don't worry about it. A round of doomer memes for everyone! (mostly) Losers!"

Doesn't Matter, I read your entire post, but haven't read the replies. Don't know if someone said that already, but here goes:

What the heck have you been reading on here?? At first I thought you were describing EZboard, but then realized you were talking about Spinoff! Perhaps you're attracted to doomer threads more than the now more interesting, non-y2k related threads? Y2K IS over, and lots of us have moved on to much more interesting discussions. Just skip the lingering Y2K doomer-threads, if there are still any, don't know I don't read them anymore, and enjoy this forum!

-- Chris (!@#$@pond.com), April 05, 2000.

woohoo consumer! get'em tiger =)

-- cin (cinlooo@aol.corn), April 06, 2000.

Every poll taken demontrated the same thing:

Doomies tended to be lower-middle class or lower class.

Doomies tended not to be college grads; most were high school grads or less.

Doomies tended not to own their homes; a high percentage lived in single wides or double wides.

Where can we see these polls you're referring to? See the link below to the only poll I've seen on this subject.


"The poll of 1,008 adults, conducted for the AP by ICR of Media, Pa., found that women (38 percent) were much more likely than men (23 percent) to stock up on supplies. In addition, 42 percent of blacks planned to take precautions, compared with 29 percent of all others."

-- (July@1999.poll), April 06, 2000.

OMG cin,

HELP!!! after reading my 'own' post I think I'm turning into a Ms. Hawk, quick check me for feathers.....lol.

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), April 06, 2000.

It's not so bad, you look good in feathers. LOLOL

-- cin (cinlooo@aol.corn), April 06, 2000.

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