Now that T3 is over, how do you jump from wall to wall in Ninja Kid???? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I saw one of the top inp's in t3-ninjak2a, and I couldn't get the player to jump from wall to wall. Not that it would affect me in the tourney, I couldn't finish level 4 either.

Can someone tell me how to make those jumps? Thanks.

-- Donut (, April 01, 2000


Jumping from wall to wall in Ninja Kid:

When Jumping LEFT hold the joystick RIGHT and the hold JUMP button. Then when going RIGHT, hold joystick LEFT and hold JUMP. REPEAT.


-- Lord AxE (, April 02, 2000.


I sought this question out because I was having trouble performing this jumping act with Ninja Kid II. I was using RAINE, not MAME, though I may try MAME too. It turns out that for some reason, the controls don't quite work right, making it very difficult to perform this maneuver. So if you are having trouble, it may not just be you.

-- Jesse (, December 19, 2002.

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