FREE GAS THIS SATURDAY! (My Name Says it all---->) : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Consumers to be offered free fill-ups on the first Saturday of each monthI only wish....
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 31, 2000
Maybe if you pray really, really hard, god will make it happen. After all, don't they say that god provides?
-- A.N. Onymous (, March 31, 2000.
And what is the date of the first saturday that this is supposed to happen?;-)
-- Malcolm Taylor (, March 31, 2000.
A.N. Onymous said:"After all, don't they say that god provides?"
He always has, for those with faith in and obedience to Him.
"Maybe if you pray really, really hard, god will make it happen."
God has provided my every *need* through prayer.
Ya know I just can't help but marvel over how close your writting syle is to that of Roberta Ingersoll.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, April 01, 2000.
This is an April Fools joke. The real OPEC site is at The interesting part is how people at a few other sites actually bought this hoax. Not hard to see how they bought into the Y2K hysteria as well.
-- Jim Cooke (, April 01, 2000.
You mean that I have to go back and pay them. I hope the attendent chasing me down the street is ok :o).Best wishes,,,
-- Z1X4Y7 (, April 01, 2000.
Ain't-Roberta who? If you mean the great Robert Ingersol, then I am flattered.
-- A.N. Onymous (, April 01, 2000.