exclusive photos of Craig Livingstone with Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Janet Reno and other top dignitariesgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Livingstone, Hillary Photos ReleasedWashington, D.C. -- Judicial Watch, a public interest law firm, has obtained, through court process in its $90 million Filegate lawsuit, exclusive photos of Craig Livingstone with Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Janet Reno and other top dignitaries.
The photos of Livingstone with Mrs. Clinton prove, contrary to her denials, that she knew and worked closely with Livingstone.
Livingstone, former head of White House Security, became the central figure in the FBI filegate scandal -- involving the removal of almost a thousand confidential FBI files.
When allegations erupted in 1996 that the White House was collecting secret FBI files on Republican opponents, the White House chalked up the controversy to a "bureaucratic snafu."
Livingstone, who had custody of the files in the White House, was fingered as the key man in the scandal.
As media scrutiny fell upon Livingstone, his questionable background raised new questions.
Livingstone's most important job before serving at the White House was that of a local bar bouncer at a Washington, DC night club.
Livingstone's White House Security position is considered among the nation's most sensitive. Livingstone had the highest security clearances in the U.S. government.
With the FBI scandal erupting, the White House quickly distanced itself from Livingstone.
Mrs. Clinton and other White House officials could offer no explanation as to why Livingstone had been hired, or who had hired him.
Mrs. Clinton claimed she did not know Livingstone -- though Livingstone had bragged to associates he was very close to both the President and his wife, and that Mrs. Clinton had personally hired him for the Security job.
Additionally, Judicial Watch reports that it has testimony from five different sources that Livingstone was hired by, and worked under, Mrs. Clinton.
Judicial Watch alleges that Livingstone, along with Anthony Marceca and William Kennedy, wrongfully obtained and then rifled though the FBI files of plaintiffs in the Filegate lawsuit.
The photos of Livingstone with Mr. Clinton and Ms. Reno prove that Livingstone was no "ordinary White House hired hand," Larry Klayman, chairman of Judicial Watch explained.
Mrs. Clinton is a defendant in the Filegate lawsuit, and Janet Reno's Justice Department is defending both Livingstone and Mrs. Clinton in the Filegate lawsuit.
The Clinton-Gore White House fought to keep these photos secret, but the Court ordered them released late last week.
Judicial Watch is also seeking to depose Mrs. Clinton is the Filegate case, an action the White House has vigorously challenged.
-- Uncle Bob (unclb0b@aol.com), March 26, 2000
GAAAAWWWWWDDDD! I'm so sick of all of this!Have you heard of the latest conspiracy? Socks is missing!!! It seems Socks has gone to China to consult with one of the successors, of the late Mousie Dung, and they are planning to publish all the Cat Box Chronicles, which is the real scoop on the DC dirt.
-- gilda (jess@listbot.com), March 27, 2000.