How Do You Make Clickable Links While Posting? : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

I feel so dumb asking this, but here goes.

How do you make a clickable link while posting?

While we are on the subject, how do you post .jpg files within a post as well?

Thanks for the help.

-- I feel so dumb (, March 25, 2000



The quickest way to learn is to go to one of the pages that uses these functions, go to view and select page source. You will see the commands used.

For example: a link to CNN Interactive would read

CNN Interactive

Use page source to view this. NCSA has a good introductive guide to beginning HTML on their site. Many books are also available.

Best wishes,,,,


Best wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, March 25, 2000.

For a link:

Type this exactly, except replace the brackets [ ] with arrows < >

[A HREF="">Page Name [A HREF="">Drudge Report
-- semper paratus (here_with@my.pals), March 25, 2000.

Sorry that got all squished together, and the server is reading the html. So replace all the brackets with arrows:

[A HREF="">Page Name[/a]

[A HREF="">Drudge Report[/A]

[ equals <

] equals >

-- semper paratus (here_with@my.pals), March 25, 2000.

Testing, testing 1,2,3,4

Drudge Report

-- I feel so dumb (, March 25, 2000.

HEY.... I really got it to work!


-- I don't feel so dumb anymore (, March 25, 2000.

Go Here

-- cin (, March 25, 2000.

use this code:

<a href="link goes here ">clickable text goes here </a>

Just replace the colored text with your source.

-- Super Helpful (wild@guess.dudes), March 25, 2000.

This advice so far is nonsense.

The easiest way by far to insert a link while posting is the following . . .

1) Explain your idea to insert a link into your postfully, within a brief but punchy "executive summary" in business-plan format.

2) Go to the nearest street corner.

3) Say "I have an idea for the internet" quietly under your breath.

Within 30 seconds you should be surrounded by representatives from at least 3 technology investment companies, each of which will be bidding to buy 33% (after dilution) of your idea for around $3Million.

Choose the one in the least unpleasant tie. Sign the contract he offers you only on condition that he arrange your IPO within 3 months.

Within 4 weeks your linked post should be published in beta, via an expensive outsourcing company, and you will be doing interviews in "Newsweek" about the new economy.

By the way . . taking this advice will cost you 5% vested over 2 years. (Have your attorney call my attorney to work out the details).

You're welcome.


-- w0lv3r1n3 (w0lv3r1n3@yahoo,.com), March 25, 2000.


But you haven't explained how to insert a jpeg.


That isn't difficult but is more complicated. Not because the commands are more difficult, but because there are so many options. I would suggest that you read about it and decide what you want to do.

Best wishes,,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, March 25, 2000.

bare-bones image placement:

<img src="link goes here">

There are image attributes to consider, and many other things. Please, on this forum, DO BE CAREFUL. Bad HTML can screw things up in a hurry. OTFR doesn't need that kind of headache. I suggest you take a few hours (like I did) and read up, then practice on your own computer (use notepad to create html pages, then view them in your browser) I got hooked after I figured out how easy it all was!

-- Super Helpful (just@helping.out), March 25, 2000.

what's HTML?

-- Uncle Bob (, March 25, 2000.

Extra helpful-one:

That was the basis of my comment. I agree.

Best wishes,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, March 25, 2000.

Test DrudgeReport

-- Also link impared (, March 28, 2000.


-- Lets try again (, March 28, 2000., March 28, 2000., March 28, 2000.

Linky Link

-- (, March 28, 2000.

You are leaving the closing " out of the reference.

Drudge Report's source code should look like:

<a href=" ">Drudge Report </a>

If you view the source of this page, the text in error should be blinking, or highlighted in some way. That is the quickest way to find your errors.

You're Welcome!

-- Super Duper (you@all.know), March 28, 2000.

Some reading material: HTML Posting techniques


-- DeeEmBee (, March 28, 2000.

vgd38: we posted at the same time.

I see you figured it out.

-- Super Duper (you@all.know), March 28, 2000.

Links are Us

-- (, March 28, 2000.

Didnt think I could do that with webTV Thanks!

-- (, March 28, 2000.

-- testing (, April 25, 2000.


Thank you for the link....I saved it in fav places for later review..

Now I FEEL real dumb, but who is that ^^^^^?????

And dont 'blast' me, I aint got the bifocals on. {grin}

-- consumer (, April 25, 2000.


That's Michael Jackson. He's finally attained the look he wanted.


-- Someone (, April 27, 2000.

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