You people are out of your : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
I just rec'd an email from someone who shall remain nameless, who informed me that LunyLogic's at it again, in the LunyOne thinks she'd tangling with me. Well, she's tangled, and she's tangling, but not with me.
Back to your games, fruitcakes.
-- Ron Schwarz (noyfb@noyfb.noyfb), March 19, 2000
I wonder why you think the name "Ron" automatically means you? Could have been Ron Smith, I suppose.Fruitcakes indeed.
-- Jim Cooke (, March 19, 2000.
Ron,Nice to know you're still around, and in good form!
Hows der Schwarz?
-- A Fan (, March 19, 2000.
Hello, Ron. New or different email address, I see.I believe LL's comments to "Ron" were directed at a person who had been posting here recently, and the content and style of those posts would be hard to mistake for your own.
-- David L (, March 19, 2000.
Sheesh, thanks so much Mr. Ron for allowing us the 'oppurtunity' to see how you really feel.As for being 'out of my mind', takes a mindless one to know one.
As for being a fruitcake, heres right back at cha babe...
Now scat, go one, you have....
Places to go, people to annoy...of that I'm sure.
-- consumer (, March 19, 2000.
Oh come on Ron, don't mince words... tell us how you REALLY feel...snoozin'...
The Dog
-- The Dog (, March 19, 2000.