Hey Guess Who

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hey how is everyone? Good I hope .

hmm will it take a link?

The Board

Will aka -=Hawk=-

-- Will Hall (hawl@cwnetworks.com), March 16, 2000


I can't speak for everyone else but I'm fine. Your URL didn't "take" but i'm going to see if I can get there anyway. Nice to see you around again!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), March 17, 2000.

Hey Hawk! LTNS!

I'll fix yer URL so it will link through directly from this site. Your HTML was a bit off, I'm afraid .

It's another, more broad-based, VP message board, folks. In fact, a descendent of the very first community message board we had back when god was young, winters were cold, and none of us had bald spots.

I highly recommend it as a great forum to talk to all sorts of good VP people -- just don't forget we have the Exile board for our little corner of the VP universe! :-)

-- editrix (editrix@hotmail.com), March 18, 2000.

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