Hey You GUys!!!!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hey you all, long time no see! Sorry I've been away, but school keeps me very busy lately. I stoped by and Exile was empty so I figured I'd leave you guys a note and also let you know that I had to change e-mail addresses, so here is the new one if some of you haven't figured it out yet. JenCrazy69@hotmail.com. Let me know who is still here and what you all have been up to. See you all soon, Jenga

-- Jenga (jencrazy69@hotmail.com), March 09, 2000


I know what you mean, Jenga. I've been hopping from one foot to the other too! Hopefully, after I get my library's automation project completed, I can come back for some fun too. Nice to "see" you here again!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), March 10, 2000.

Yeah, I know what ya mean too...I'm have to work increasingly harder to keep avoiding work, to the extent thats its probably easy to just to the work now...heh. Uh-oh....gotta go..time is money...erm....I'll write ya an email later jen so we can catch up..heh. Or you can just write me..heh....I ain't moving nowhere.

Take care


-- starskii (nick@wilsdon.demon.co.uk), March 11, 2000.

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