out of av, but never out of mind... well.. heh..ok..greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Popped in to see the old room, as usual it was empty. I wanted to say hello to everyone, and let you know, I think of you and all the fun we have had over the few years we all hung out. Hope to be here more..and catch up with you all. Thinking of you ..sending warm hugs, and a smack for etc..heh.. hugggggggggggggggg
-- Lee (Lehave1@hotmail.com), February 28, 2000
Wish I'd been there to see you, Lehave. I'll keep checking in to see if I can catch you someday. By the way I still have to use your typo gesture and unless a miracle happens (LOL) I'll always need it!
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), February 28, 2000.
Good to hear from you Le!....... Jas!(goal__)
-- Jas B (goal__@excite.com), March 01, 2000.
Good to see you are still alive and kicking Le! If you would stay put for more than 2 minutes who knows who you might run into??
-- orpheus6 (orpheus48@hotmail.com), March 04, 2000.