Which is better NTI or Nero or Adaptec?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have been using Adaptec for over 6 months now and actually like it except for the fact I can't get it to accept my mpg files at higher bit rates. I am trying to improve the quality on my VCD's by increasing the bit rates. I have heard that NTI and Nero will allow me to do this. I did create some higher bit rate mpg files with my Broadway 4.0 but Adaptec didn't accept it. Does either NTI or Nero allow menus? VideoPack is out of the question because of the price.
-- Al MCCraw (amccraw@ix.netcom.com), February 24, 2000
unless nti did some drastic updating (which they may have) they do not give you the option to make menus or anything like that. It does however allow you to make a vcd with a higher frame rate. i use the nti for this reason. i dont know anything about the Nero
-- Doug (mazinz@aol.com), February 24, 2000.
Al,Nero is the same as NTI, no menu or chapter. Hmmm...Al email me. lnguyen
-- (wingstarzz@hotmail.com), February 24, 2000.
Yes I have to admit the menus and chapters are a very nice feature but the resulting quality I am getting is nowhere near stunning or even approaching the quality of the source tape. I played both simultaneously and was not satisfied with the results. I tried NTI's software last night and changed the bit rates and got some very nice looking VCD's. Using Adaptec and the VCD settings everyone in the video seems to be in a haze. That did not happen when I bumped the bit rates up to over 200,000 bits/sec. I also tried NTI at the VCD standard rate and it seemed like the quality was still better than Adaptec's . Could that be possible? I need to check into that further. If it gets down to a choice between menu's and quality I have to go with the quality
-- Al mcCraw (amccraw@ix.netcom.com), February 25, 2000.
I have never gotten Nero to accept any of the .mpg files I made, no matter with which encoder, Xing, Panasonic, Ligos, bog standard VCD compliant settings. What version of Nero does everyone else use? As for Adaptec, it made VCD's with glitches that my Philips 825 totally choked on. Best results are currently with VideoPack 4.0 onto CD-RW media. From all I am reading, though, I may give my Philips to my brother as a "gift" (heh heh) and get something better, Pioneer or Raite or Apex.
-- Walt Sanders (wms@horiba.com), February 25, 2000.
If you plan to get another DVD from the list you've mentioned, i would pick the Pioneer. It's more expensive then the other two but it will not give you any trouble. I used Nero (I was not aware of any other version higher then this one) and it has no problem accepting my clip at a higher bitrates. If you absolutely must then go to the furthest left tab and uncheck the CD-I compliant feature and you are home free with Nero. lnguyen
-- (wingstarzz@hotmail.com), February 25, 2000.