Update from Down Under

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Its been forever & a day since I saw most of the Exilers who once grazed these pastures. Much has happened in the last year since I used to frequent Exile on a regular basis and alas I have lost touch with many of those who used to be good friends here.

For those who don't know... Caesaria (who I met here in VP) moved here to New Zealand a year ago. She and I have bought a beautiful house together here in Wellington. If you want to see photos of our gorgeous new abode come to our homepage at :


Would love to hear from any of you.

Cheers Michael (and Katie)

-- shadowninja (sh-ninja@ihug.co.nz), February 18, 2000


Hey, glad to hear from you!! I rarely if ever go to VP anymore (or check this board!) but I did today and wondered how you two were getting on. Glad its working out, just about to head over to your page.

Take care

-- jaizee (jaizee@excite.com), February 23, 2000.

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