looking for rice-milk recipe

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have milk-allergic children, and have been buying rice milk and soymilk for them. I do not have an abundance of soybeans to make soymilk, but I DO have a lot of rice on hand. Does anyone have a recipe for rice milk that comes out similar to Rice Dream? p.s. The kids are milk-allergic, not lactose intolerant. I'd also like to use a water-conserving recipe that won't cost a lot - we haul water, and store-bought rice milk is $1.50 a qt.

-- Becky M. (beckymom@kjsl.com), February 17, 2000


Becky, are your children also allergic to goats' milk?

-- Pat (pmikul@pcpros.net), February 17, 2000.

Yes. The "real" milks set off asthma in one pretty bad. And I don't have the inclination to get a goat right now, anyway. I have a lot of rice, not a lot of money!

-- Becky M. (beckymom@kjsl.com), February 17, 2000.

I have a suggestion. I have a milk allegic child too. He is fine with goats milk though. I have made almond milk. Get a blender and put a 1 1/2 cups of blanched almonds in it. Fill the remainder of the pitcher with water and blend on high for about four or five minutes. Add a small amount of sugar or honey and blend for a short time to mix. Pour into glasses and serve. My kids love this stuff. You can also strain if you have problems with chunks of nut in your milk. Some blenders will do better than others. It is really healthier to leav the whole nut in. I hope you enjoy this.

Little Bit Farm

-- Little bit (littlebit@calinet.com), February 17, 2000.

got this off of SOAR online recipe archive 4 cups water 1 cup cooked brown rice 1 tsp vanilla place all ingredients in a blender and process till smooth. Refrigerate. for smmother results, let sit for 30 minutes, then pour the milk into another container, leaving the sediment behind

I dont know if it works but its a recipe

-- stan (sopal@net-port.com), February 17, 2000.

Did you know you can buy powdered rice milk which is cheaper than the Rice Dream in cartons? What I have is called "Better than milk" and is made by Fuller Life, Inc and is actually pretty good. Probably still not as cheap as making your own but I bet it is better!

-- barbara (barbaraj@mis.net), February 17, 2000.

One more thing, check out this site, loads of recipes for making rice milk. I have not tried them myself. www.panix.com/~nomilk/ricemilk.txt

-- barbara (barbaraj@mis.net), February 17, 2000.

Wow - instant answers! That last webpage was amazing - I now have no doubt that I can cheaply make all the rice milk we will ever need!

-- Becky M. (beckymom@kjsl.com), February 17, 2000.

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