Windows MAME : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
I finished windows mame 35 tg3 edition late last night.At the moment, I have no web page access to upload it.
Anyone got an ftp site I can upload to?
-- Mark Longridge (, February 09, 2000
Ok, my web page has moved to this will simply be
You can download the new Windows MAME TG3B at this link:
Just unzip and replace your old exe file with this one, you'll still need all the usual files from windows mame35 final.
Hope this helps (especially Mr. Ryan! errr, Dean...)
P.S. Zwaxy, could you please update your links to my page when you get a chance? Thanks ;-)
-- Mark Longridge (, February 10, 2000.
Mark, I sent you some scores you asked for that would be MAME world records several months ago, but I have yet to either A) hear from you about it. B) See any update on the site ( gives Mark.
Chris (Soon to be part of the Twin Galaxies official's lotto pool)
-- Chris Parsley (, February 10, 2000.
Chris, just send any INPs and other relevant info to mametg@hotmail.comThanks,
-- Mark Longridge (, February 10, 2000.
"Mark, I sent you some scores you asked for that would be MAME world records several months ago" Which one ? 13000 for Atarifb4 ?
-- lagavulin (, February 10, 2000.