backgrounds and menus for : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have followed all instructions for creating menus or backgrounds for VCD creation and have fully functional VCDs without menus or backgrounds but i cannot get them working with Menus and Backgrounds is there a format error i could be making or is there a trick to actually get them to work.
-- Lee Balfour (, January 25, 2000
LeeIf my guess is correct, you may have created the Play Sequences without linking them to their respective mpeg clips.
Above the Sequence tab, you can see a control box which displays "Start sequence". Click on the down arrow on the right to see other items in the drop-down list. Select the Play Sequence to link and then drag the mpeg clip from the Content Layout into the VCD Layout. Repeat until you have linked all play sequences.
You can preview your VCD layout for proper operation before burning it. Good Luck.
Above steps are for Easy CD Creator 4.0 Deluxe only.
-- Daniel Lee (, January 25, 2000.