AHHHHH! Come on Guys and Gals!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

geee-wiz..I keep missing everyone in here. I miss the 'ol group and a great evening of chat! Bummer..and I have a birthday coming up on the 21st of Jan...hehe, had to throw that in(nudge nudge)yuk yuk. Just feeling like an old man today thats all..lol Hope to see everyone around sometime soon..later! Ken

-- Da' wash (KFGJokerDOC@worldnet.att.net), January 19, 2000


And just HOW old Wash?......

I mean....if I'm gonna send ya a cake.....I gotta know how many candles to put on it!!

-- sunflowergirl1 (dianne63@hotmail.com), January 19, 2000.

Yeah, just how old are you now? LOLOL Just remember that you'll always be younger than I am, Washie! Sorry I missed ya! Happy Birthday in advance.

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), January 20, 2000.

Hey stinky! Happy Birthday! heh

-- Shel (Shelbyx@email.msn.com), January 20, 2000.

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