gratitude : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Good to know you are back online Editrix - I hope to see you in exile soon - we missed you!

-- orpheus6 (, January 07, 2000


What is the Valentine Day musical choice to be? "LOVE ME TENDER, Love me true..." ~~Elvis Presley, ok?

-- sib (, January 07, 2000.

okay okay okay, rub it in! LOL

Secretly perhaps I was conducting an experiment in a variant of Chinese Water Torture by leaving the holiday decorations up, especially the music. (Which you could have turned off, had you scrolled to the bottom of the page, btw. I NEVER put up background music without a "panel" to turn it on and off for the users. I remember Wyvern made a page -- I think it's still up at his site -- that was deliberate torture along those lines: "Ride of the Valkeyries," really loud, on a background setting from FANTASIA, and you couldn't turn the music off! After the 5th repetition, I thought I was losing my mind! LOL!)

Sibil .... be careful what you ask for! [digging through terrible Elvis midis to see if I can find the worst recording possible of "Love Me Tender"] heeeeeee!

-- Editrix (, January 08, 2000.

How about My Funny Valentine?

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, January 08, 2000.

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