is anyone ever around anymore? : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
hey...its lisaski...if anyone remembers me that is...I have been gone a long time...I just wanted to say hi and see if any of the old gang hangs out. I lost all my icq's etc...the old puter finally crashed (and burned)...the new one is nice tho...anyway...cause of the C&B i lost it all--icq, email, urls...everything...if you want back on, drop me a hello
-- lisaski (, December 14, 1999
Hey LIS!!!!!!! Good 2 hear from U. Hope 2 c u very soon. Congrats in ur wedding, a very happy X-mas & a New Year 2 u. Cheers!!! .....Jas
-- Jasmine B (, December 14, 1999.
Lisa !!!!!! have missed ya for ages !! eons even !!! glad to see you're still around. look forward to seeing you more often in the new year. You take care and copious amouns of large hugs from me to you !!Shosh.
-- bryce m. (, December 16, 1999.
lissssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa happiest of new years to you.... glad to hear you are well and happy !!!
-- CatGem (, December 31, 1999.
Dang, Lisa I thought I had already posted a response to your message here! I remember you, of course!! Who could forget you and grinch "sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g?" I hope you come back and chat soon!
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, January 02, 2000.