The Right Way : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

The GA Historical Society has original copies of The Right Way Magazine through 1963. Does anyone know whichj organization would have copies of The Right Way after 1964. A archivist at the historical society said Norfolk Southern may have aquired those copies, but she wasn't sure.

In any event...I'm trying to find any articles that may have been written about:

1) When they discontinued the "Maids" on the Nancy Hanks II (Sept 1964)

2) April (or May) 1971 when they discontinued the Hanks.

I'm not sure how long The Right Way was published. If The Right Way was no longer being published, might The Southern Rwy. have included an article in its magazine?


Byron Scott

-- Byron Scott (, December 11, 1999



Is there something in particular that you are searching for regarding the discontinuance of the Nancy Hanks II? I have a copy of a Central of Georgia file (about 150 pages) that contains various information regarding the discontinuance. It includes reports on operating revenues (losses), status of tax payments to various counties and municipalities, reports on numbers of passengers carried, etc. There is a little information on the crew salaries, etc., but I don't remember anything about "maid" service.

If you're looking for more "human interest" oriented material, you might check newspapers from that era (mid 60s to 1971) from major towns on the route, i.e. Savannah, Macon, Atlanta.

While it's possible that the Southern Railway's magazine (TIES) would have carried information regarding the discontinuance of the Nancy, I really doubt there would be much in the way of a detailed article.

Also there are several boxes of files (President's correspondence files) in the CofGa collection at the Georgia Historical Society in Savannah. I believe they are listed in the index under Train Service and perhaps Passengers. Although most of that material is from before the 1963 merger, it's possible that there may be something there, especially regarding the "maid" service issue.

Allen Tuten

-- Allen Tuten (, December 12, 1999.

Byron, the last Right Way magazine was Oct-Nov-Dec. 1963. I don't know if the Southern's "Ties" magazine covered reamining C of G operations that date. Todd

-- Todd Horton (, December 11, 1999.

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