What's your mutt made of?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Do you have a mutt? Do you know its origins? I like to try to figure out the mystery ingredients of the various mutts in my life. What's your mutt made of?
-- Anonymous, December 05, 1999
My new mutt is a boxer/lab mix. He is just the cutest thing ever. (I sound like a new mother don't I?)We have had him for about 2 weeks now. He is 2 months old. We adopted him from the Martinez Animal Shelter. When we got him, he could fit on Ken's forearm, now he is getting bigger and we have to carry him with two hands.
He wants to play with my cats but they just don't want anything to do with him. He tries so hard and they just meow at him and stay up on the furniture where he can't get to them. Poor baby.
-- Anonymous, December 05, 1999
tasha's a german shepherd crossed with... something small. best guess, based on her intelligence and some very small physical attributes and the way she runs is that she was crossed with a border collie. she looks purebred shepherd though, only smaller. a perpetual puppy.
i got her a month ago at the calgary humane society (which gave me tickets to The Gifts of the Magi last night because i volunteer! score!)
she's three years old and... argh.
must stop before i babble.
-- Anonymous, December 05, 1999
My part-time mutt, Amy, isn't really a mutt at all. If you believe the Australians. She's half Black Lab, half Standard Poodle. I'm told that in Australia, the "Labradoodle" is bred as a guide dog.Amy is the funniest, smartest, coolest damn dog I've ever met.
-- Anonymous, December 05, 1999
We have a black cocker spaniel named Brandy; I've been told she probably has a bit of some other breed in her, because her muzzle is a little different than most spaniels. She's a "pound puppy", I was looking for a bit smaller dog, but was told she was going to be put to sleep soon. It's been a match made in heaven, she is the sweetest, funniest critter in the world. She had obviously been nursing pups not too long before we got her, I figure it was one of those "keep a cute puppy and drop the mom out in the country" situations. She was very sad and forlorn at first, and would cower in terror if my husband picked up the broom or newspaper. But she's spoiled and sassy now.
-- Anonymous, December 05, 1999
I've probably already mentioned my mutt mixtures, so I'll be quick about it...Mack -- I got him from the shelter at about age 2, he's now 5 1/2. He's most likely a lab/golden mix. His physical shape is lab but his coloring is golden retriever.
Brandy -- She was 6-8 months old when I found her on the streets, skin and bones and no collar. She's about 3.5 now. She's the bigest mutt we have -- most likely lab/shepard/beagle. She definitely has a beagle face and her body is a cross between lab and german shepard. And the coloring is shepard.
Ginger -- 8 month old monster puppy, nearly 75 pounds now. I know her mother was pure bred lab (my fathers' dog) and her father was most likely Siberian husky, as she has one blue eye and an enormous husky tail.
I've got various pictures of them all over my web site, http://www.triggirl.com/journal/
I think mutts are the best dogs. That's not to say that I don't think pure breds are beautiful, but I just love all the different cute combinations you get from mutts. My lab/shepard/beagle is my absolute favorite -- she's so funny looking that she's cute.
-- Anonymous, December 05, 1999
Sailor's mom was an Akita/Samoyed, they tell me. He looks mostly like a Golden Retriever, though not as big. (He's down at the vet's as an "AKITAX". Works for me.)Dad was rumored to be Rottie, Pit Bull, and a little of this or that. All huge. Luckily, dad may have been someone else. Sailor is just a tish over 50 pounds, and it's still him taking me for these walks.
We do know there's a Chow in the woodpile somewhere, though. Black tongue. Pink-tongued dogs are deformed. His nose started black, but he sticks it into so many things he's worn it pink.
Oh, yeah, we decided some time back that he's also part beaver. Likes to chew wood, does our dog.
-- Anonymous, December 06, 1999
Smidge is mostly an Australian Cattle Dog. We even had that confirmed by some visiting Aussies. What else she is, I don't know. Probably border collie (reportedly a common mix in Australia). Her coat is also more like a black lab's (at least to me). How such an Australian dog ended up in a Chicago area shelter, I don't know.
-- Anonymous, December 06, 1999
When I was younger I had a schnoodle. That's half schnauzer, half poodle for the uninformed. Her name was Ginger and she was the smartest dog I have ever seen. My brother had a stupid poodle named Sparky. When he would get "in the mood" and go after my dog, she would go into her cage and wait for him. As soon as he entered the cage she would slip out and knock a chair over in front of the door so he couldn't get out. She was a great dog who put up with all sorts of little kid stuff. I did chores around the house and earned pennies that I saved to buy her when I was four. She lived to be 15 years old. She was a good dog. I was in Florida when she died, and my Dad dealt with her body. He cried when he buried her.
-- Anonymous, December 06, 1999
I have to second Vic on the wonder that is Amy. She is the smartest. And she looks a lot like Sheila, except much larger, and black.
-- Anonymous, December 09, 1999
Nice doggie sweater, beth. Makes him look like something from a George Booth cartoon. So, yes, you ARE trying to get him beat up.
-- Anonymous, December 10, 1999
My 5 month old pup Ginger is mostly Lab with a little bit of Golden Retriever in her. Her father is my other dog, a purebred black Lab named Champ. And her mother is a neighborhood dog, a yellow Lab/Golden Retriever mix named Honey. She's a fox red color, like her mom, but big feet like her dad! She isn't really little anymore, she weighs 45 lbs! She's VERY smart and LOVES water! She likes to stick her front feet in her drinking bowl. And strangely she likes to take a bath! I love her to death!
-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001