From Where Might I Obtain Replacement NICADS For The Me1 Flash : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

I have recently come into possession of a minox me1 electronic flash. The unit is non-functional as the nicads will no longer hold a charge. There are no markings on the batteries, so I am not sure as to their voltage and capacity. Does anybody have or know where I could obtain a replacement battery or find specifications relating to the original batteries?..any help would be greatly appreciated!



David, ME-1 used a 2-in-one NiCad battery pack(2 x 1.2 v). For replacement parts you may phone Digikey at 1-800-344-4539 and ask for part number P232-LO21-ND Nicad pack. You need to solder the 2 in 1 pack yourself, careful about the polarity; and when testing, be careful not to touch to charged up capacitor in the ME-1 unit, it may give you a nasty shock.


If they don't have it, ask them where can you find it.

Please post a follow up and tell us about the progress of your project.

-- martin tai (, November 21, 1999.

Batteries for the ME 1 and ME 2 need to be high current discharge cells. The oringinals are now only those left on the shelves since production finished a number of years ago. However I have just been testing a new type of battery capable of the high current required with very good results. I am hoping to obtain a stock soon. Any queries please call 01264 737709 any evening. Regards Andy

-- Andy Britton (, December 15, 1999.

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