ECX Lens VS TLX Lens : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

Dear Friends: Is the ECX Lens better and more advanced than the TLX Lens?

-- Kingson Lee (, November 20, 1999


Kingson, The ECX Minar 15mm/f3.5 lens is newer than the Minox 15mm/3.5 lens on TLX. However, the ECX is fixed focus at 2M; hence only for object at 2M ( 6 feet) one may be able to see the difference for 25x (8x10") or higher enlargement.

There is rumor that Minox has put the Minar lens also on TLX.

-- martin tai (, November 20, 1999.

As far as I know, the lenses are quit different and cannot be compared directly, because

-the TLX-lens is a f15mm/3.5 lens with variable focus -the ECX-lens is a fixfocus f15mm/5.6

Thus, if you focus correctly, the TLX lens will be sharper in many situations. But if you do not have the time to focus, the ECX will have a greater chance for a suitable sharpness.

-- Oliver (, November 22, 1999.

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