Where can I get the VCD, "It's a wonderful life"?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am very interested in finding classic Christmas VCD's. Like, "It's a wonderful life" "White Christmas", "Christmas Carol" and cartoons like "Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer" and "Frosty the snowman".

-- Judy Keating (JAB0310@hotmail.com), November 16, 1999


, a Dutch site, has "IAWL" on VCD. Or so they say!

-- Brian Clarke (brian-damage@excite.com), December 21, 1999.

www.musicmailexpress.com, a Dutch site, has "IAWL" on VCD. Or so they say!

-- Brian Clarke (brian-damage@excite.com), December 21, 1999.

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