CNN DOW quote just went to 0%. Anyone know why? Has one of those DOW stopgaps kicked in? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

What's up?

-- -- (, October 21, 1999


Bloomberg has the Dow at -139.62 (10:56am ET)

Maybe CNN has a "computer glitch."

-- semper paratus (, October 21, 1999.

Radio news (at 10:00 am EST) said that "automatic curbs" have been implemented - but I htought those were only for "serious" panic runs - like -5% in a single day......

Could be an error (yeah right, like those never happen) in how the "curb" begins, or in how the sticker responds when trading stops for a few troubles are most likely at start/stop points, at interuptions, at inflections and at control points. Routine operation (day-to-day) activities very rarely cause problem once a program is running.


Other theories? I would also wonder what would happen to day trader alerts when their running averages hits that kind of "blip-in-the-road".....

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, October 21, 1999.

Try this link at CNNfn, it self-refreshes too.

-- (, October 21, 1999.

The automatic curbs kicked in at the open when it went down 200+ points. they are curbing computer trading and will unlock if it gets up to down 100 points.


the "BREAKERS" are at 10%, 20%, and 30% of the close at the end of the last calendar quarter. C

-- Chuck, a night driver (, October 21, 1999.


The NASDAQ-Amex major market indexes are down too. Can't do my end-o'-the-day market check.

Keep your...

-- eyes_open (best@wishes.not), October 21, 1999.

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