Guess What Those Old Fat Cats Are Doing to you right now?(OT) : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Guess what kids?$ Multiple expansion is being fueled by, (here's the kicker, hee, hee hee) companies buying their own stock!$ What a scream, eh, kids!

Guess what else those old fat white guys are doing? They're giving themselves stock options like there's no tomorrow. Guess when they'll cash out?$ When they see the door starting to slam shut, that's when. This means the backside of this market will be a 32ft. per second per second affair. Pffft! Who cares?$

Why can't it all continue?$ For one thing, because companies are spending more than they're earning. That's right. Ask Lil' Al Greednspan. His boys already reported on it. That's right . . . they put it in writin'! Who cares?$

You know what would be a thing of beauty?$ If the fat cats cash in their options at the same time they are engineering share repurchases. Hey, that would really provide them some well deserved liquidity!$ Is this country great or what?$

Gluttonously yours, I remain,

-- The Creosote Exxplosion! (, October 20, 1999


"Get me a bucket..."


-- Liberty (, October 20, 1999.

"old fat white guys "

Creosote - Are you racist, sexist, ageist or just jealous??

-- Hawthorne (, October 20, 1999.

Hey Hawthorne, Can't we all just . . . get along? Are you an anti- observation nazi or do you just play one on the forum. Next time you get a chance, take a look at the CEOs of the S&P 500. What percentage are white? What percentage are guys? What percentage are not real young? Frankly, I don't know how many of them are fat as pigs, but probably a fair number!

Are you blind, uninformed or just incredibly hypersensitive?

-- The Creosote Exxplosion! (, October 20, 1999.

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