Help!!! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I'd like to try an experiment by extracting the audio and video from an MPEG file and have EZ CD Creator store the video in the MPEGAV folder and the audio in a different folder, but as a CD-DA file (Digital Audio). I was wondering if this could be done? And will my CD-ROM player be able to play both the video and audio as seperate sources of media at the same time? I'm thinking if this could be accomplished, will my audio and video be in sync or out of sync? You might be asking why would I want to do this, well, at the College that I'm attending, most of our PCs do not come with sound cards installed. The only way I can listen to any type of media is through the headphone jack, playing ONLY regular audio CDs. By converting an MPA to CD-DA (Digital Audio), not only will I be able to see the VideoCD, but also listen to it too.

-- S.J. (, October 16, 1999


It ain't going to work right. It will in theory but the audio will be out of sync with the video. Basically you load the Audio CD player program and the Video CD player program. Hit play on the Audio CD player and play on the Video CD player. Most VCD players do not decode Audio CD files. You will have to make your own specific player for this.

-- The Lone Ranger (, October 16, 1999.

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