Hello All!greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
My most deepest apologies for not being around much (or at all as the case has been for about a month or so). School has been kicking me in the arse as well as silly residents doing stupid things at all hours of the day. Ya know you feel like an old man when you don't get your midafternoon nap when your 20 *wink*ICQ still works, but often is seems I'm too busy for that. *sighs*
Chipgirl and I are doing well, she's coming down this weekend so I won't be all alone *grin* She says hello and misses talking to you all so very much, and yes, we both talk of Exile often. *bows*
Hope everyone is doing well, don't be afraid to email or look me up on ICQ, I'm an email a holic! *giggles*
*bows and tosses a rose to all the ladies*
-- Drizzt of Exile (Silverblue_Eyes@hotmail.com), October 15, 1999
How about for Halloween? I may have to run answer the door and pass out candy but I'd like to see you two! Especially since I'm back home and not using that tiny notebook computer anymore!
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), October 18, 1999.