Heard of Mini-Stun Guns for stings & bites?

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I read a very interesting article in Countryside Mag. about using a mini-stun gun for scorpion, bee, and other stings, as well as for poisonous spider and snake bites. Anyone here had similar experience?

The unit recommended is rated at 25,000 volts and sells for $85. I've located 50,000 volt units for 30 bucks - much cheaper but twice the jolt.

Don't know if I even have the nerve to intentionally zap myself as a test. I'm considering the cheaper 50,000 volt unit. Comments anyone?

-- Lee (lchesson@bigfoot.com), October 12, 1999


I wouldn't go for it. I remember an article I read about using stun guns on rattlesnake bites to neutralize the venom. A study was done that found that the stun guns had no effect on the venom.

My take on it was that rattlesnake bites don't always inject venom, so the stun gun helped the people keep from getting agitated and doing more harm to themselves to "remove" the venom that isn't there.

Personally, stunning myself for a bee sting is a bit of overkill... :)

-- James Collins (jacollins@thegrid.net), October 12, 1999.


Look at the archives under the topic "Safety." There's a thread in there referencing snake bite in the title that mentions this zap method and points to past links. Does anyone know where the thread is that we did on this subject a while back? Dr. Bill Schrenko had good information on the viability of this treatment and we referenced some articles pro and con. Can't find it now.

Also, Lee, the stun guns used were 25,000 volts. Anecdotal evidence suggests it works for snakebite, brown recluse spiders, etc. - and you can use it on humans or pets. But I would stick with the 25,000 and avoid the more powerful unit, even if it costs less.

-- Jill D. (jdance@mindspring.com), October 12, 1999.

OUTDOOR LIFE Magazine of June and July 1988 had some very interesting articles about the use of electric shock for first aid in case of snakebite. Traditional medical shamans poo-poo such an unscientific concept, but medical missionaries in Central and South America, among others, seem to have found it quite beneficial. Maybe you can track down those articles somewhere...they're worth the effort.

-- Norm Harrold (nharrold@tymewyse.com), October 14, 1999.

I first heard of the stun-gun solution from Dr. Carl Baugh of Glen Rose, Texas. The studies he cited were by the University of Oklahoma. The technique works because the charge breaks open the venom molecules, turning them back into beneficial proteins. The amazing thing about all of this is that our friendliest creatures (poisonous snakes, spiders, etc.) would not be venomous at all if the earth's magnetic field were stronger. The molecules would not be able to loop upon themselves ala benzene rings. The decay of earth's magnetic field (it loses half its strength about every 1400 years, as I recall) was substantially stronger 4000 years ago than it is today. Perhaps this is why the snake is an ancient symbol of healing, a tradition which remains today if you've ever wondered why your doctor's business card has a picture of a snake wrapped around a staff. I don't have Dr. Baugh' email handy, but the website is here. I believe he has a page on this subject.

To do a zap, simply touch both probes to the skin (it is reccommended that you increase the distance between the probes by attaching an alligator clip and short wire to one of the probes) across the bite, then zap for about 0.75 secs. Then reposition the probes at a different angle and zap again. To ensure a good "healing", you will need to zap at at least 4 different angles. Dr. Baugh zaps himself every day just for good measure. If you can't zap yourself (it's pretty scary the first time), have a friend do it for you.

This technique has been used successfully for recluse spider bites and a host of other potentially deadly bites, including the dreaded Crapes (2 steps and yer dead) snake of SE Asia (ask anyone who was in Vietnam). In one story, a missionary did not have his zapper recharged (he had one in case of bites), so the quick alternative was to disconnect the spark plug from a motorcycle, then use the wire and exposed end of the plug as the probes. A few attempted kickstarts and a scoolteacher was able to resume her schedule without incident

-- Zach Anderson (z@figure.8m.com), October 15, 1999.

Believe it or not the stun gun is an excellent tool for snake bites or insect initiated allergic reactions. The key is to utilize it as quickly as possible after the sting/bite. Nova manufactures a stun gun made expressly for snake bites --with longer probes to introduce deeper into the wound. I have used the stun gun several times on myself against fireant allergies and avoided the usual trip to the emergency room for a shot of norepinephrine.

-- M. Jewell (jetav8r@xtheglobe.com), October 17, 1999.

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