FACT: XING mpg player 3.30 and Ez CD MAKER 3.5c NOT COMPATIBLE

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

XING MPG PLAYER 3.30 and EZ CD CREATOR 3.5c are not compatible... It will work if you use as your MCI default MPG player the ACTIVE MOVIE. I read this fact somewhere here and finally got it to work when I uninstalled the XING player. But I did so many things in my computer to set the ACTIVE MOVIE as default player that I don't really know what I did.....sorry.

-- carlos moreno (carl_moreno@hotmail.com), October 10, 1999


Xing MPG Player will only trip you up if you have it set as your default application for .MPG files. You don't actually need to uninstall it. I've also set Active Movie as the default player and things work great from then on.

-- Jim B (jimbo987@my-deja.com), October 11, 1999.


-- Murat Akin (akin_m196@lycos.com), May 05, 2001.

-- Huzaifa iqbal (huzaifa552@yahoo.com), March 25, 2002.

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