Request for Ed Yourdon: Show us evidence of "pollies" who have threatened you - I'm thowing the BS flag on this one... : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I posted the message below to the thread Any rage among doomers if their leaders are wrong? The formatting was confusing, and since this rates it's own thread anyway, I repeat it here for Ed to respond to. ------

First of all, I dont have a problem with the topic of the thread Any rage among doomers if their leaders are wrong?, but what I do have a serious problem with is the listing of names concerning the issue of rage and retribution, even as its put. I just dont believe that this is appropriate.

I agree with The Engineer and Arnie Rimmer, we are each responsible for our own decisions:

The Engineer: I can't see raging against Ed or anyone else when it would be your own lack of judgement, understanding, etc. that caused you to do what ever it is you did. 

Arnie Rimmer: Agreed. And likewise, if Y2K should be more than the 'bump in the road', no one should rage against Koskinen or other government or corporate personnel when it was obviously their own lack of judgement, understanding, etc. that caused them to fail to prepare. Wouldn't you agree?

I agree.

Ed, I bought your book, Time Bomb 2000. I found it to be full of speculation, hype, and exaggeration, as most Y2K books are. But I am not angry, I was very entertained by it :) (Actually, I had been working on Y2K for some time before I bought it for the fun of it. You should be happy to sell that stuff for ANY cause, lol). As in your book, I also find something in your post above VERY HARD TO BELIEVE!

Yourdon: The only people who have mentioned rage or lawsuits in email to me have been pollies, some of whom have threatened, in vague and non-specific ways, that they will find some way to get retribution if I turn out to be wrong, and Y2K is a mere BITR.

Sorry Ed, Im not buying this, it just doesnt make sense. Why would a polly threaten you, even in vague and non-specific ways, that they will find some way to get retribution if I turn out to be wrong, and Y2K is a mere BITR? By definition a polly BELIEVES that Y2K is going to be a BITR, if you turn our wrong, there would be no REASON for them to threaten and get retribution.

This is more poop ED, pure and simple, but smelly non the less. You suck up to your fans who believe your nonsense, and paint pollies as dangerous. Give us some examples of pollies threatening you if I turn out to be wrong, and Y2K is a mere BITR. Please post your emails, direct us to the threads of those pollies who have somehow threatened you IF y2k is a bump in the road. Show us your evidence, or drop the BS.

Yourdon: We're not the government, we're not the banking community, we're not a Fortune 500 company with a multi-million dollar PR department -- and I think it's those institutions who are most likely to be the object of rage if Y2K turns out to be a serious problem.

Hypocrisy at its finest, Ed. Distort possible rage as coming only from those who believe that Y2K is going to be a minor event (pollies), and now point to the government and businesses as targets of rage..

In summary, we are each responsible for our own actions, no one should be threatened, and Ed, you have just provided us with a bit more nonsense in your post above. Regard,

-- FactFinder (, October 08, 1999


FactFinder ... and everyone else...

Wow! Looks like I should have chosen my words a little more carefully. I get all kinds of email from all kinds of people, some of whom strike me as being very upset with my views on Y2K. One or two items above my message is a posting from cpr that someone used to illustrate the level of anger (perhaps I should have called it that, rather than "rage" per se) aimed at Gary North. I've gotten similar messages from a handful of people, though it's been a while since I've gotten them from cpr.

In any case, the occasional angry messages that I've gotten have suggested, sometimes directly and sometimes by implication, that they would attempt to sue me for some form of libel or slander or fear- mongering, or whatever. Whether you believe that or not, FactFinder, is of no concern to me. I didn't save any of the messages, nor did they cause me any serious concern. Indeed, the only reason I bothered mentioning any of it on this thread was to contrast it with the kind of threats that I would have been concerned about -- e.g., threats of physical violence toward me or my family, from people who had somehow tracked down my current location. That has not happened, and I doubt that it will...

By contrast, I really DO expect that IF y2k turns out to be a serious problem, there will be a LOT of people who will feel that they were misled, ignored, lied to, etc by their local, state, and federal leaders. I think the average American citizen is likely to be seriously pissed off if an elected high-level official makes solemn pronouncements ("your money is safe, and you don't need to stockpile food) and is then proven to be completly wrong.


-- Ed Yourdon (, October 08, 1999.

Gawd, yet another stupid polly troll trying to get its 15 minutes of fame by trying to banter with Ed Yourdon. Go back to the the bonkers forum, or from whatever rock you crawled out from under, and play with your meme. Smartass.

This thread is worthy of deletion, IMHO. Its obvious intent is to try to bait. Obviously, FactFinder, any provable direct thread would be reported to the proper authorities, not to the forum, dummy. Any vague, indirect threat -- especially with hints at legal action -- would not be publicly advertised either, as then it would put the recipient at risk of being sued for defamation of character, or slander. And, unlike you, you lowly piece of crap, Ed IS a "public figure", and as such would have a tougher time proving his case then you would.

-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), October 08, 1999.

Anyone who doesn't have the guts to put their real name to a post like this doesn't deserve an answer.

Coward! I spit on you!

-- Johnny (JLJTM@BELLSOUTH.NET), October 08, 1999.

Wow. Somebody really needs their nap.

But it wouldn't be the first time a polly spun out in public.

I realize it's pretty obvious irony, but I'll point it out anway since it seems to be lost on FactFinder: FF, you're the one perpetuating this topic.

-- (justwhenUthink@youseen.itall), October 08, 1999.


Are you all out of "Three Stooges" videos??? I think I heard your mommy calling you. Why don't you get a real job, one that keeps you OFF the computer !!!!! If you don't like what Ed writes, start your OWN damn website, J***off!!

-- watcher (pollypissing, October 08, 1999.

Moron. Ed's not going to divulge private e-mail. He probably deleted the crap immediately. Like you should be. Killfile. Idiot.

-- h (h@h.h), October 08, 1999.


I have to admit you are out of line on this post.

Threats to an individual is not the business of this fourm. I am sorry to hear that threats have been made.

I hope that we can have people stand up for what they believe with out....very strange people comming out of the wood work.

Ed: Be strong... Let this tread die a soft death without your response.

-- Helium (, October 08, 1999.

Interesting. Yet another polly that gas been reduced to a vindictive gas bag...

-- a (a@a.a), October 08, 1999.

An amusing start of flames - KOS claims I want fame, Johnny berates me for avoiding it...this is going to be fun.

KOS, I have discussed y2k via emails and in posts with a number of your "famous" y2k speakers, writers, etc, and I see them as no different than I see you or anyone else discussing Y2k. I am not easily impressed, but I do have respect for a couple of the guys I disagree with.

Tell me KOS, can YOU think of a reason a polly would threaten Ed with retribution "IF" he turns out to be wrong and y2k is only a BITR? Can you understand how this isn't very logical to some of us, since "pollies" already have the view that Ed is wrong and Y2K is going to be a BITR? Can you let go of your hero worship long enough to understand why a reasonable person might find this claim VERY HARD TO BELIEVE? You make excuses, but Ed can post everyting but the names if its email (but we do want the headers), he can provide links to forum or newsgroup posts where the threats took place...


-- FactFinder (, October 08, 1999.

Agreed. There's no reason for Ed to respond. It's obvious that he's been threatened by Pollies, this is their nature. They are clearly prone to wildly violent outbursts, so it shouldn't be at all surprising that they would resort to threats to achieve their goal. One can only hope he's prepared a massive defense against the Polly onslaught.

-- (, October 08, 1999.

ROFLMAO brett, loved the humor...


-- FactFinder (, October 08, 1999.

How about your NAME?


-- Johnny (JLJTM@BELLSOUTH.NET), October 08, 1999.

FactFinder, I distinctly remember Charles "I've got files" Rueben threatening Yourdon and North on the original Debunking Y2K forum earlier this year.

Do your homework idiot.

-- a (a@a.a), October 08, 1999.

Johnny, I would be happy to provide my name to any poster that I know well enough to establish that they aren't a nutcase - I have done so a number of times. If Ed requests my name, well, I will have to ask someone I know who knows him personally to vouch for him, lol. Sorry Johnny, your'e out...


-- FactFinder (, October 08, 1999.

Yes, FactFinder, I can see why a polly may decide that if nothing happens that Yourdon should be "punished" in some vindictive way. Mind you, we would be dealing with some kind of sick mind. But I offer any number of clearly sick minds over at the bonkers forum, with names like CPR, Doc Paulie, Buddy, etc., etc.

Shoot, maybe a polly is pretty much dependent on the income of a doomer, and the income gets spent on preps. The polly, rather than taking it up with the doomer, decides instead to take it out on the "leaders" of the doomers. Who knows???

Or maybe its just a save-the-country type of thing. The polly "reasons" that if everyone pulled out their money from the banking system to avoid having their savings vaporize in January, then the entire system would crumble. So, the polly decides to threaten the "leaders" of those kinds of ideas.

Now, go away and play with your meme. Moron.

-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), October 08, 1999.

Actually, a friend of mine who wrote the site, says he got some pretty threatening and abusive email from offended Christians and doomers. There are lots of flakes at both ends of the spectrum, unfortunately.

If all the posters to this forum were gathered into a single small town, and Y2K knocked out the utilities, do you think they'd rebuild, or end up eating one another?

-- You Know... (notme@nothere.junk), October 08, 1999.

I can understand how there can be misguided nitwits out there, who feel that Ed has misled people and screwed up their lives. There are even more-addlebrained people who marry into an extreme viewpoint and lash out mindlessly. So I can easily believe that Ed has received threats. Ed is reasonably famous, and such people are lightning rods for the unbalanced.

I shudder also to think of the mail Peter de Jager must have received when he moderated his position. Some people are plain sick.

-- Flint (, October 08, 1999.

FF says: "that I know well enough to establish that they aren't a *nutcase.*" [emphasis added]

FactFinder, gotta hand it to you. You sure have a knack for unintended irony.

-- (justwhenUthink@youseen.itall), October 08, 1999.

@@@, before you claim "proof", post your evidence. And what we need here is evidence of a pollie threatening Ed -in his words "that they will find some way to get retribution if I turn out to be wrong, and Y2K is a mere BITR". Don't claim the credit until you do YOUR homework.

KOS - I don't intimidate easily. I asked a very good question of Ed, it's worth an answer from Ed. You're not Ed.


-- FactFinder (, October 08, 1999.

My Dear Mr. Fact Finder

On an earlier thread you where jumping Mr. Yourdon...or was It Mr. Lord.

In any case, I respectfully asked you for you "expert" bonifides to the subject. And you choose to ignor my request. Perhaps you will now answear them.

How many jobs and which kind where you a roject engineer?

How many chips have you personally designed? How many chips or PLC's have you designed, built (either on paper or physically) Have you (if you ever have) calibrated PLC's on a job site?

Or in other words, my good man. Lets see your qualifications to make the absured statements and stances you have taken.

Now reember I am just a poor Old Shirt Tailed Electrican...But I think I can tell a Corn Shucker when I see one.


-- hakey (in_a_bunker@forty.feet), October 08, 1999.

Flint, Ed claims that only POLLIES have threatened home IF HE IS WRONG AND Y2K IS A BITR. I can't put this anly plainer - pollies ingnore doomsday experts silly advice, how could these guys/gals screw up pollies lives???

The BS flag is still on the field.


-- FactFinder (, October 08, 1999.

But you ask a ? from Ed Yourdon and refuse to post YOUR NAME.


-- David Lee Roth (Diver Down@Van Halen.ou812), October 08, 1999.

I just can't believe your momma named you factfinder maybe she didn't know who your daddy was.

That would explain the yellow streak down your back.

-- Johnny (JLJTM@BELLSOUTH.NET), October 08, 1999.

FartCatcher: You think I'm your lackey? You wanted the proof, I told you were to find it.

Your a f*cking moron. You can't even spell my name right.

-- a (a@a.a), October 08, 1999.



1). If you do not have a direct connection to a threat, this subject doesn't concern you.

2). If you have a direct connection to a threat, this subject and any information concerning it do concern you.

So which is it, number one or number two?

I suggest that the correct answer is number one.

In which case you need to butt out.

Of course, unless you want to add some more tripe to your foolish thread. Anything you say now makes you look suspect. Always wanting to return to the scene. Keep talking if your guilty.

Which would help of course, if an investigator decided to field strip your life and make you miserable.

You are treading on egg shells.


-- no talking please (, October 08, 1999.


I understand the nefarious motivation for your post and suggest you start backpedaling with haste.

-- (cujo@baddog.byte), October 08, 1999.

(s)hakey, Smokescreen. But since you had to bring up that little Jim Lord/Navy Master Utilities List thing - Jim finally posted the faxed Navy spreadsheets he received, and guess what- the LEGEND was in his copy! This Legend clearly indicates that this was no "study" of utilities Y2K readiness, but that the Y2K status information was obtained by query to the utilities themselves! Jim posted the ratings portion of the legend, but conveniently left this critical piece of information out of his "Navy story". I addressed this in the thread "Y2K Pentagon Papers" - "Secret Papers" Back ONLINE - NAVFAC Master Utilities Y2K Preparaedness Status Spreadsheet Explained" This legend indicates that the Y2K readiness data is being sought from the utilities via request for information – "IC" indicates that in some cases the information may have been obtained from the utilities website!


C = compliant or assurances received
I = Interim response received
IC = Interim response/web site indicates compliance by year 2000
P = Pending, awaiting response


Clearly, this was not an independent technical assessment of the utilities involved.

Jim painted a survey for contingency planning purposes, where the utilities themselves provided the information, as a "secret study", and left out the Legend that would have called his "spin" into question. I called BS then, and some claimed maybe he hadn't received the Legend. He did receive the Legend, it's there, he just left it out of his story. I called this one right. --------------- Now, Back to Eds "story" of pollies who threaten him IF its just a BITR..... Regards,

-- FactFinder (, October 08, 1999.

hey did you ever hear of Spratlin Wright? Of course not well let me tell you his story.

When the patriots were signing the Declaration of Independence he was the guy who stood up and said,"hey guys instead of using our real names why don't we all just use alias' instead" well let me tell you the Patriots were none to pleased with this. They took the Mr. Wright out back and had a "come to Jesus" meeting with him. You don't see his name anywhere on that sacred treasure.

Factfinder is a yellow bellied no good stinkin greasy grimey sleazey slimey sleeps with his grand mammy no good dog. Spit!

-- Johnny (JLJTM@BELLSOUTH.NET), October 08, 1999.

Yourdon: The only people who have mentioned rage or lawsuits in email to me have been pollies, some of whom have threatened, in vague and non-specific ways, that they will find some way to get retribution if I turn out to be wrong, and Y2K is a mere BITR.

Why would a polly seek retribution against Ed if it is a BITR? Simple, just look at the petty vindictive mindset of the virulent pollys and it should be clear why they would threaten Ed. They are shallow, meddlesome busybodies who would find enjoyment in tarring and feathering Ed if he is wrong.

-- Uncle Deedah (, October 08, 1999.

a, here's the post you want -- 269481 35&P=Yes&TL=926862480

Go find out who I am before you run your mouth trying to be buddies with the field hands in the Swamp Pit. Go find my credentials before you make a complete fool of yourself. Just to keep up I'm completing the MCSE/IP and MCDBA. The latter is easy because I'm a DB type anyway (which nicely explains why my files have such nice complete backgounds on your new friends). The TCP/IP is a pain only because its boring but after you've seen your first Sub-net Mask you've seen them all. (Get back to me if you know what that means).


[And here's a really good one,showing cpr's more rational side --]

Tuesday, 29-Jun-1999 18:30:03 writes:

There have been THREE Y2k DEATHS DOCUMENTED. Many more divorces, family splits, stories of people living in pure fear of what will happen in 2000 because they do not understand the technical issues. THAT is what Y2k is about: Technical and business issues whether in the Public or Private sectors.

Meanwhile, people are acting in a manner uncalled for by the facts.

The very idea that there will be food shortages in the US is absurd. WE FEED THE REST OF THE WORLD!!! The idea that "they" will riot because "the checks don't come" is not so hidden RACISM in its new "politically correct guise". OTOH, such myths have fed back into the Black Community and both Farrakkan and Tony Brown claim it is a White Conspiracy against Blacks and people of color.

THAT is also absurd and most Un-Christian. Those responsible for feeding the MYTHS so they can be perverted in such a way are responsible for that.

You need to see who is involved with some of the radical movements behind Y2k "preparing". it is a recruitment Mantra for Radical Leftist and Rightist.

What is "wrong" about it is that much of it is FALSE, based on error technically, old information and driven to inspire purchasing unnecessary "supplies" motivated by Hyped FEAR levels.

Its wrong. FLAT OUT WRONG. I call it Un-Christian to live in FEAR of man made acts or man made problems. It denies Christ. Same for most other religions. In a strange way, North even denies the pure Calvinism he writes about. He is in effect saying that MAN in Y2k problems can "save himself". (in fact, he claims they must save themselves first.) It is a perverse twisted look at life. It is his right to believe such things.

It is my right to DENOUNCE SUCH AS WRONG. For him to claim any EXPERTISE in technical matters is equally absurd.

To mix in Christianity with it as North tries to do is as Steve Hewitt htt:// points out: Un-Christian. It is that act of a coward as de Jager has mentioned repeatedly to stock pile in a "me first" then others manner.

Every repeat EVERY prediction they have made has been exaggerated vis a vis the problems we were to experience by now.

They can't point to a Major Utility that won't be ready even though a year ago they were urging "stockpiling" because the Grid would fail. Now they say "might fail" or "blackouts".

BULLShXt CUBED. Most of it.


-- OutingsR (us@here.yar), October 08, 1999.


Factfinder, your call would be fair made on a fair basis but it would be unreasonable to expect Mr. Yourdon to expose them. Your BSFlag is reverted back to you. Doomers, your verbal abuse of Factfinder is unsportsmanlike. 2 Flags On The Field!

Factfinder, my name is not the Virginian by birth. I am a creator of thought here and therefore do not want the crazy people to get a hold of me. I do not think you are yellow. I sense a real disappointment among the doomers here. Could it be because Dr. Yardeni has NOT raised his expectations to a depression but instead has relaxed a bit to a recession not as severe as 73-74? I dunno. I am however surprised at the severe treatment you have received because of your request to Mr. Yourdon even though I too believe that your request is bit out of line. 84/83 days to go and the stress level is rising. On both sides.

DOOMERS, Mr. Yourdon can defend himself. He is very good at it, at this point. Your conduct is deemed unsportsmanlike. Maybe at this point some doomers should prepare their minds for a slight BITR just in case.

I am saddened to think that there are many people that would be disappointed if we only have a 1-3. Don't get to disappointed though [if, IF, and its a big IF that happens] the government, whoever "they" are will not stop, but may actually step up "their" pace, attempting to control us and take away our freedoms. No matter what happens with Y2K, that party won't be over for a longtime.


P.S. Doomers: Have any of you been to the lobby of Dr. Yardeni's bank in New York City. Their is an eye in the lobby. It is an evil eye. Truth does not reside there. I have pondered this for sometime now as Dr. Yardeni has been a lone voice in the wilderness among his kind. I am still pondering this. Why would the eye, being Dr. Yardeni's employer, allow him to be a GI and talk and write about it? Anyone catching my drift? Does 33rd have anything to do with it? If so, what does this mean about Dr. Yardeni's employer. It cannot be a coincidence that his, is the largest bank in the world.

-- the Virginian (Factfinder or anyone else, have you seen Trampus?) (, October 08, 1999.

Mr. Fact Finder

Sir you have again totally ignored my request for your experience, which makes you such an expert. Are you like old Y2K pro? At least he says he flipped burgers! I did not ask for a Navy report...unless it contains you general resume!!!!! Can you understand? WHAT JOB EXPERIENCE?? Re-read me QUESTION sir.


-- SHAKEY (IN_A_BUNKER@FORTY.FEET), October 08, 1999.


Given that FF has his answer, whether he figgers it's sufficient or not, it's still the one he's going to HAVE to take, let's let this thread die, OK?

Once FF picks up his answer, let it go. Any further "discussion" and I use THAT term EXTREMELY LOOSELY and it will just have to vanish.

The referee above has it about right. Offsetting fouls, let's move on to something important, like mudwrestling or pig wrestling or something.

Thus speaketh the mad deleter


-- Chuck, a night driver (, October 09, 1999.


FactFinder is being called a coward by: a bunch of people who all use handles or won't post their last name! This is too damn rich! I could never put it in a work of fiction - the editor would never pass it! HAHAHA


You can't make up stuff this good!

-- Paul Davis (, October 09, 1999.

JUST for the record: The VERY first whole first and last name would be: by ( (who I THINK falls into a more middle camp than either Doomer or Polly

then Flint (WHo is trying to define the Middle Ground that Critt left a while ago)

Then Ed

Then Me

Then You

And your point would be?


-- Chuck, a night driver (, October 09, 1999.

If you take a look at the times Chuck, you will find that about four posts came in within a couple minutes of each other. Ed puts in his full name, as I do. Brett's and your names may be known, but aren't part of your usual posting style. Mine is.

And to call someone a coward for using a handle, when the caller is doing the same is hypocritical, to say the least.

And, incidentally, I have had a couple of 'your gonna starve and I will laugh while you do' emails myself. Not a big deal.

-- Paul Davis (, October 09, 1999.

Thanks, Paul, for clearing up that question, which never had anything to do with anything. Yes, we do indeed know your name. We do indeed know that you are a moron.

-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), October 09, 1999.

Paul its very simple if we are in a tavern and I call a liar or I ask you to step outside I can't "hide" and do it. This coward is calling Ed a liar and calling him out and he is hiding. See?

What part of my name or e-mail address do you think is bogus?

-- Johnny (JLJTM@BELLSOUTH.NET), October 09, 1999.

So what happened to your Gary North is a Big Fat Idiot forum, Paul? Not a date glitch, is it? (Loud laughter)

-- Paul (didn', October 09, 1999.

From the other side of the "Polly/Doomer" fence:

In the early days of this forum, I received a ton of email based on my posts. At it's height, I was getting 20-30 messages on a slow day and as many as 70 on a busy one. Most were attempt to either continue conversations outside a dying thread or to request clarification of points I had made. Some lurkers used email to carry on conversations outside the forum in order to avoid the e-verbal abuse that I and other "pollies" received. A small percentage (probably less than 2%) were simply verbal attacks or were the "I'm gonna laugh while you and your children starve to death" variety, and a few (maybe a dozen in total) were actually intended to be threats, none of which I took seriously.

However, I will say this: not one of the threats came from someone upset over my Y2K views. A lot of the abuse did, but none of the threats. All but one of the threats came from people upset that I had dared to besmirch the motives and purity of Gary North. On one occasion, after posting a message that said North's site was good but that I found little else about the man that didn't repel me, I got a slew of abusive emails, several threats and a couple of Word Macro viruses mailed to me within the first hour after the post. (The other threat I got was an offer to help me shuffle off my mortal coil for stating that perhaps the U.N., which hasn't even been able to control Ethiopia, Bosina or Yugoslavia might not be the evil boogey man which will come in to swoop up control of the world within the first few days of 2000).

And, and the opposite extreme, there are some real ladies and gentlemen here on this forum who show grace and civilized charm even during strong disagreements over issues. Ed Yourdon is such a person. Uncle Deedah, an earlier poster on this thread, is another example of this. He and I have disagreed often, but he still invited me to the party he's going to throw with his food stash when (and if, Uncle, and if...) Y2K turns out to be a BITR. You are still having the party, aren't you?

-- Paul Neuhardt (, October 09, 1999.

What a silly post by "factfinder". This is the only responce that the post deserves.

-- Dave (, October 09, 1999.


Is it time for a new line yet? :) Or are you, to establish you are not an hypocrite, going to begin accosting King of Spain, Old Git, et. al.?

Andy Ray

-- Andy Ray (, October 09, 1999.

Andy Ray I mean Poole I'm going to be in B-ham next weekend (wifey has a continuing ed. thing) What you say to me and you getting together for 18 holes?

Well even if you don't respond I'm still going to look you up Poole.

-- Johnny (JLJTM@BELLSOUTH.NET), October 09, 1999.

Ed, The original thread dealt with physical threats, your initial response left room for interpreting this as "pollies" had threatened you without stating that this was not a physical threat. You state that you should have chosen your words more carefully, and I can respect (and relate) to that. Your response that no one has physically threatened you clears this up, and I believe helps to cut down on the "noise" level.

Let me say this about "rage" and "anger". You will find a lot of hostility if you"re a "doomer" at debunkers, and if you're a "poly" you'll get the hostility here. In attacking the message, a lot of times people get carried away and attack the messenger - just look at this thread I started, which I never should have - I should have left my response in the original thread, omitted references to your book, and never started this new thread. A mistake I made - such is life, we go on.

A case in point about anger - the responses to this thread are a great example. A number of posters expressing anger that I ususally don't see have "emerged" out of the woodwork to flame this thread, but funny enough, some of the styles are very familiar! But I wouldn't give a second thought to meeting any one of them for a good laugh about the Y2K flames, even Johnny "meet me for golf" who's a smokeblower if I ever saw one.

Lets stop the accusations of "threats", lets stop the discussions of threats, lets argue in peace like we usually do. I agree with Chuck - lets let this thread die (at least afeter Johnnys tantrum, lol).


-- FactFinder (, October 09, 1999.

Paul N,

My law team is pouring over the document known as "The Party Invitation". You were mentioned by name in this document, and we expect that you will be contacted regarding taking your sworn deposition. As it stands today we have high hopes of clearing up this matter.

Your humble servant,

-- Uncle Deedah (, October 09, 1999.

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