Are you a drama queen? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
I am, obviously. If there isn't enough excitement in my life, my brain invents drama and feeds it back to me after I fall asleep. Thank you, brain.Are you a drama queen, too? Do you go out of your way to find excitement, or do you invent excitement when you can't find any?
If not, do you know anyone who is?
-- Anonymous, October 05, 1999
yeah, I have a tendency to over-emphasize my age, or I did when I was only 17. The local mall where I live started a new policy right as I was turning 17 that mall patrons age 16 and younger had to be escorted by their parents or guardians after 6pm on Fridays and Saturdays. Bullshit, right? What about stores that cater to that age group? Every time my boyfriend and I went to the movies after that time, I would make a big deal about not having my ID with me and how I would be really pissed off if some security guard stopped me. And when I worked at Denny's while I was 17, and because I had graduated from high school, this past summer I was allowed to work late nights. Weird Creepy Guys would hit on me and I would gleefully inform them that I was jailbait. Maybe that isn't quite so drama queen.. I tend to laugh too hard and get mad too easily.. it's good that my friends have realized my moods swings aren't really me being upset with them. Whew.
-- Anonymous, October 05, 1999
saturday night, a friend accidentally flaked on our plans, leaving me bummed out and alone. so what did i do? i called a friend, long distance, on his first night in his new apartment, and wailed about how They didn't "really like me" and how i'd "been ditched" and countless other made up dramas.then my best friend came home, called me, and i happily went out drinking like nothing had ever happened.
but at that first "she DITCHED me!" moment, i was so the drama queen.
-- Anonymous, October 05, 1999
...definitely....otherwise, i have nothing to write about....*grin*...
-- Anonymous, October 05, 1999
Yes, I am. I used to be much more of one but now I take antidepressants.
-- Anonymous, October 05, 1999
Oops, didn't mean to hit that return button.What I was going to add was that I like to think that I'm the good kind of drama queen, who can make her car trouble into an entertaining tale, told with imitations of all the people who stopped to help, and funny observations about the whole thing. I hope I'm not the bad kind of drama queen who is very high maintenence and is always having BIG HUGE CRISES and then the next time you see her and ask if she got the tests back, does she have cancer?? she looks at you with a blank look that tells you she's already forgotten the whole thing. And oh yeah, it was just a normal mole.
I generally like drama queens, because they're so entertaining and because I'm sort of a conflict junkie. Unless they're people I really adore I tend to get weary of them and lose interest in their problems, real or imagined. (Even drama queens have real problems.) I've met a lot of them online which is a lot better than real life where they can call you up or storm into your office with the latest injustice this world has handed them and expect you to be all interested.
You're definitely the good kind of drama queen, Beth.
-- Anonymous, October 05, 1999
That is so weird! I have the same dreams about my dog too. I'm always dreaming that she's getting hurt or dying and I can't save her. But a funny thing happened this summer and the dreams stopped. Sasha fell off the dock where we keep our boat, we couldn't pull her up out of the water because it's a little steep for her to get back up. So I ran back to the parking lot and got down on the seawall, she swam to me and I scooped her out of the water. I saved her and the dreams stopped.
-- Anonymous, October 05, 1999
If I weren't, would I run the Drama Queens webring?Long live self-induced drama!
-- Anonymous, October 05, 1999
I try not to be, but I am. I suppose this is evidenced by the fact that if I have any drama in my life, it will wake me up, oh, around 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning to occupy all functioning centers of my brain. Drama takes me over when she moves in, baby.Today the drama has gone far away, leaving me just plain tired from the daily drama wake-up call (this morning: 3:30am and Nope, didn't make it back to sleep). So, I'm idle, wondering what I can do with myself. I'm no good sometimes on my own; I'll call people and beg for gossip until I find someone else's drama to live through. When I'm better rested, sometimes I can just focus and get lots of stuff done. Sometimes.
-- Anonymous, October 05, 1999
Thank You, Beth, for teaching me a new English expression! As I am a drama queen, until now I just did not know that my "problem" is called by such name.I do love when people are a bit shocked at my stories. Sometimes life supplies me with the topics - like the time my next door neighbor rented his flat to a call-girl firm... it's closed off now, yet even today some taxi-drivers make faces when I tell them my address... - but if life fails me, I can make it more interesting myself.
Like when I used to donate blood. I chose not to do it for free, as I was in dire need of some excitement...
As the money was my ticket into the drama land:
"Look at her!" my mind whispered. By "her" I meant myself, who else. "Brave little woman! She has three babies to feed, her husband works somewhere on other side of the globe... And now she has to sell her blood to make the ends meet! Oh,what a tough life she has, selling her blood for 6 US$ a cupful!"
Even if my sensible side does try to keep me sane and serious, I cannot keep my mind from spicing my life up... by making me read words in wrong way... For example, a boring sign like "Prime minister's home office" may be registered by my brain as "Crime minister's love office"
Aet Tunissoo
-- Anonymous, October 06, 1999
You know, it's funny. The milder the answer I give, the more notoriety I get. Things happen around me and I'm usually the catalyst, even though I consider myself pretty vanilla. Oh, there's a little bit of Drama Queen (or King) in any on-line journaller, but I describe a very humdrum life, with the exception of the kids. Yet somehow, I always get in the middle of controversy.It's a gift. No, make that a curse.--Al
-- Anonymous, October 06, 1999
No, I'm not a drama queen, not in my own estimation anyway.I know plenty of people who appear to be, but am glad most of them are people I "know" only in the cybersense.
That way, I can more easily ignore them when I've had enough of their dramatic way of dealing with every little thing that happens in their mundane little lives.
And most of us do have mundane little lives, and there's nothing wrong with that. And there's nothing *wrong* with being a drama queen, and mothing wrong with *not* being one, and there's no accounting for taste... and blah blah blah. :)
-- Anonymous, October 06, 1999