CoG "Images of America" Book : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
Can anyone help me find a copy of the new CoG book by McQuigg, Galloway & McIntosh CoG "Images of America". None of the larger train book mail order vendors carry it. I have attempted to buy it through, but eight weeks after placing the order, they have not yet "located a copy". I am surprised how difficult it has been to find a copy of this book given it was released less than a year ago. It has been a frustrating search.
-- John Drake (, October 04, 1999
John, If you live close to the Atlanta, GA area there is a local train store called Gandy Dancers that has the book you are looking for. Their phone number is (770) 451-7425. They also have a good selection of other railroad history books from the same publisher as the C of G book. Good luck. Justin Dzan
-- Justin Dzan (, April 13, 2000.
I got my copy through Total price including tax & shipping was $20.00 (they give a discount for ordering online) and I got it in about a week. It's a good book.
-- R. M. Lavender (, October 11, 1999.
John, Try the publisher's web page at or you can place a phone order at 1-888-313-book. Also the last time I was at Riverdale Station on HWY. 85 in Riverdale, they had several for sale. Regards, Warren
-- Warren D. Stephens (, October 04, 1999.